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Pinnacle Install Hanging

Postby BGPGuy on Tue Dec 30, 2003 3:27 am

I keep trying to install Pinnacle InstantCD/DVD Suite and it hangs on "Removing backup files....". If I cancel out, it gives me the warning about incomplete installation with re-install blah blah, but does not close the installation window when I accept the cancellation. I have to then alt-ctrl-dl to kill the install app, and am left with incomplete app directory in program files. Add/Remove from control panel does not see it as installed/removable. Repeated attempts all end the same way. I am running XP SP1 w/LDW-411S drive. I do not want to leave it partially installed. Any ideas?
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Postby UALOneKPlus on Tue Dec 30, 2003 4:47 am

You have a few options:

1. Try Windows Restore to go back to the restore point prior to the very first install attemp. or

2. Manually go through the registry, and try to find and delete all registry entries left by Pinnacle Instant CD/DVD. or

3. Buy a Windows cleaner program to do the removal for you. or

4. Reformat your hard drive and re-install Windows XP.
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Postby integspec on Tue Dec 30, 2003 6:56 am

Additionally, find out what's in your windows temp directory and delete them all. Easiest way to find your temp is to:
Control Panel, System, Advanced, Environment Variables and check for the variables TEMP and TMP. Clear all the directories you find by deleting all the files (usually you don't need these files but verify anyways).

Second thing to check, make sure you are logged in as administrator.

Third is to try with auto scan disabled if any virus scanners are running.

Fourth is to copy the installation files to a dir in your hard disk and install it from there.

Last, verify you have enough disk space in your system.

HTH / Good Luck.
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