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Can't make a backup of [b]Max Payne 2[/b]

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Can't make a backup of [b]Max Payne 2[/b]

Postby mac4madsen on Mon Dec 29, 2003 9:03 pm

Can anybody help me how to make a backup copy of Max Payne 2 (3 CD's: Install 1, Install 2 and Play)?

I've tried to copy the "Play"-CD with [b]CloneCD[/b] I´ve tried with "Protected PC Game" and "Game CD". The game works fine with the original "Play" -CD, but not with my backup.

[b]ClonyXXL [/b]v2.0.1.5 diagnosed the protection to be: SecuRom *new* V

I've got a DIMENSION8300 with a SAMSUNG CDRW/DVD [b]SM-348B[/b], which in a test postet here [b]failed to read lead in and lead out[/b] sections of the CD -does that matter in my case?

(Quote: "If you look at the advanced features, you can see that while the drive was able to read the subchannel data and CD-Text, it failed to read the lead in and lead out sections of the CD" - almost halfway down on this page: http://www.cdrlabs.com/reviews/index.ph ... erformance
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Postby eliminator on Tue Dec 30, 2003 3:17 am

welcome aboard mac4madsen !

... Why don't you just use the "no cd" patch ?
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Postby NoSmartz on Tue Dec 30, 2003 6:33 am

have you ever been able to make a backup of a "Play"cd?
If so,what did you use then?
I've never had any success.

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Postby music_lover on Wed Dec 31, 2003 6:03 pm

well u can surely do that
fist of all pop the play cd in
open up clone cd
go to copy disc
then keep the speed atleast 16x
go for the image save and then write mode dont go for the on the fly mode see if this works
cause it worked for me
as i too have a samsung
which are considered bad for such copying
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