I have tons of CD's and want to condense them down to a few. So I chose the tracks from each CD that I want. Then I chose to use Nero (not from the NeroExpress prompt)...went to Audio CD...new...and then started inserting the CD's so I could copy the tracks. By the third or fourth CD...Nero would give me an Internal error prompt and shut down. It did this to me 5 or 6 times...never completing anything.
System specs:
P4-3.06 GHZ
Western Digital 120 JB Drive on Promise Ultra TX2 100 Controller
Samsung SM-348 on IDE 1 as Master
Plextor PX-708A on IDE 2 as Master
ATI AIW Radeon 9700 Pro with Catalyst 3.10 drivers
I get the internal error whether copying files from Samsung OR Plextor...can't figure this out...never had this problem before...BTW...just did a clean install of WinXP Pro in the last few days...everything seemed normal til today...but is the first time I have tried building compilations from numerous CD's.