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RE: Reviews of DVD Burners


RE: Reviews of DVD Burners

Postby MonteLDS on Sat Dec 27, 2003 7:54 pm

is their a reason why a lot of drives are missing from the review section. such as a single Pioneer DVD burner...

I guess this is more for Ian, but I want to make it a public spectacle of it all :D
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Postby aviationwiz on Sat Dec 27, 2003 8:28 pm

It's doubghtful Ian doesn't buy the drives that he has, so the only drives he can review are the ones he buys (which I think is very little) and the drives that companies send over to him to review.
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Postby MonteLDS on Sat Dec 27, 2003 10:59 pm

aviationwiz wrote:...and the drives that companies send over to him to review.

are you saying Pionner sucks? cause they don't send him a drive to review BOOOO on Pionner! You should write them Ian! dirty scum bags
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Postby Ian on Sun Dec 28, 2003 12:14 am

Our relationship with Pioneer Electronics (Pioneer USA) has been questionable at best over the years. It seems like they'd rather deal with print mags than websites. The closest we've come to them letting us review one of their DVD writers was a 20 minute session at some convention in California. I've pretty much given up since then. If they're interested in getting coverage here, they can come to us. There are plenty of other manufacturers beating down our doors.

If you'd like us to review their products, please let Pioneer know:

http://www.pioneerelectronics.com/pna/c ... iteId=2076

You can also email their PR department directly here:

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Postby aviationwiz on Sun Dec 28, 2003 12:19 am

MonteLDS wrote:
aviationwiz wrote:...and the drives that companies send over to him to review.

are you saying Pionner sucks? cause they don't send him a drive to review BOOOO on Pionner! You should write them Ian! dirty scum bags

Where did you get that idea?
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Postby Dartman on Sun Dec 28, 2003 4:31 am

There are quite a few rebadged ones that should test the same anyways or dang close so I don't think it's that big a deal here. One of those memorex's was a 106 and I'm pretty sure it was reviewed here. I guess we're just not big enough. I bet Tom's and Anand might get one if they asked.
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Postby dodecahedron on Sun Dec 28, 2003 5:38 am

Ian wrote:There are plenty of other manufacturers beating down our doors.

that's good! :P
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Postby Ian on Sun Dec 28, 2003 12:38 pm

Dartman wrote:I bet Tom's and Anand might get one if they asked.

Anand's review has been bragging about getting an A07 for months. I haven't seen an "exclusive" review yet, so who knows. Tom's gets their stuff from Europe and Pioneer Europe seems to be more website friendly.
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Postby dolphinius_rex on Sun Dec 28, 2003 10:15 pm

Both Anand's and Tom's Hardware fail SERIOUSLY when it comes to optical drive reviews! It's like they miss the whole point of reviewing it or something :-?
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Postby Ian on Sun Dec 28, 2003 10:56 pm

dolphinius_rex wrote:Both Anand's and Tom's Hardware fail SERIOUSLY when it comes to optical drive reviews! It's like they miss the whole point of reviewing it or something :-?

What, being first isn't the whole point? :roll: I agree. While both websites do decent reviews of CPU's, vid cards, etc. they should stick to what they know.
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Postby dolphinius_rex on Mon Dec 29, 2003 12:19 am

well, being first is nice of course, but I'm more concerned with knowing how the drive performs with regard to burn quality, then burn speed! :o

I guess they are too used to using speed benchmarks for CPUs and RAM and GPUs. Maybe a little too set in their ways?
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Postby SkaarjMaster on Mon Dec 29, 2003 2:48 pm

Pioneer needs to get a clue and get their products to as many web sites as they can that ask for a review. This is definitely a strike against them for me getting the A07 when it comes out. I'll be going by specs, price and media (not necessarily in that order), so I may get one anyway, we shall see in February.
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Postby Ian on Mon Dec 29, 2003 8:44 pm

Blah, I just got an email back from Pioneer's PR person. I was supposedly put in the review queue for an A07 back in November. I guess they didn't take my request seriously because guess what.. we're not in there now. Very frustrating. Most companies are not like this.

Still wondering why you don't see a lot of Pioneer reviews around here?
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