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Win Xp won't give me my HD space back!!!!!!!!

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Win Xp won't give me my HD space back!!!!!!!!

Postby NoSmartz on Tue Dec 23, 2003 12:04 am

The other day I deleted Call of Duty off my PC.It was 1.8 gb and I only got 1.0 gb back according to the system.This happened quite frequently when I had WinME but this is the first with XP.I deleted all registry,program folders,saved games etc...I've defrag'd,cleansweep't and everything else.Can anyone tell me what causes this? :o

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Postby integspec on Tue Dec 23, 2003 1:50 am

This usually happens for two reasons: Either you have Norton Anti Vir Pro installed with Unerase or System Restore is turned on. Make your Explorer show all files and check for a dir called RECYCLER and empty it manually.

Let us know if this doesn't help.

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Postby Turkeyscore.com on Tue Dec 23, 2003 5:26 am

I dont know if COD has any mods out yet, but if you did install mods or custom maps, go into your CoD folder and delete them.
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Postby NoSmartz on Tue Dec 23, 2003 12:31 pm

I checked windows explorer and no Call of Duty folder there.I had no mods installeds so that's OK.I checked for the RECYCLER folder and couldn't find it.I do have Norton antivirus with that protected recycle bin.I check't it and nothing too big in there.
Every 3 or 4 weeks I dump my system restore points and so I decided to do it this morning.I gained 2.20 gb by deleting em'!!!!
That's the most I've ever gained by doing this.I believe that could have been my problem.I just got Star Wars Knights of the Republic.I'll install then uninstall it tomorrow and see if get my space back.If I get my space back then I would assume the "system restore" function could be the culprit.

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Postby dodecahedron on Tue Dec 23, 2003 2:33 pm

NoSmartz wrote:I do have Norton antivirus with that protected recycle bin.

right-click the Norton Protected Recycle Bin and select Empty Norton Protected Files, then Purge All.

also, go to Internet Explorer -> Tools -> Internet Options and delete Temporary Internet files. (including offline content). you'll get a lot of space back.
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Postby NoSmartz on Tue Dec 23, 2003 3:02 pm

Not much there in temp int files and offline content but Norton Protected dumped about 30 mb.All in all,I went from 25.53 gb to 27.74 gb with the system restore dump and norton recycle purge.That's 10% of my HD.

thanx for the refresher course :)

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Postby integspec on Wed Dec 24, 2003 1:46 am

If you don't meddle with registry / system files so much, why not disable System Restore once and for all. With Indexing Service, this is one of the most bloated resource hoggers.

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Postby NoSmartz on Wed Dec 24, 2003 9:55 am

That's a good idea.I just remembered that the only reason I kept it on was that this pc was under warranty.But it fell out of warranty over a year ago.My other pc's system restore has been turned off since last september 2002 and have had no probs.I don't tinker with the registry too much but when I uninstall something I go in and remove any traces manually.Never have any probs there either.

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