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Stupid Lite-On!!

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Stupid Lite-On!!

Postby BurninMan921 on Sat Dec 13, 2003 11:20 pm

$^!%#@ :evil:

Stupid Lite-On drive (52327S/QS0B)! Argh!

I really should have gotten a Plextor.

Two coasters in a row, both on the (expensive) Maxell CD-R Pro discs (which are TY's). One error was a communication error, one was unable to finalize the cd. The ISO image burned perfectly on my Optorite DD0401.

I'm really starting to not trust that drive for anything important!

As a side note, the Verbatium DVD+R 4x rated discs do NOT burn well at 8x; one disc took ~12 minutes, one just over 15 minutes (both set to 8x, both within 30MG of being full). Quality is fine at 4x, though. Guess I'm sticking to the Memorex/TDK discs. Haven't tried the Ritek 8x discs I have sitting here yet...
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Postby CDRecorder on Sat Dec 13, 2003 11:25 pm

I wonder if your drive is bad; I've never had a coaster on either of my 52327Ss.
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Re: Stupid Lite-On!!

Postby aviationwiz on Sat Dec 13, 2003 11:44 pm

BurninMan921 wrote:I really should have gotten a Plextor.

I'm sure I told you to. Should have listened.
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Re: Stupid Lite-On!!

Postby CDRecorder on Sat Dec 13, 2003 11:45 pm

aviationwiz wrote:I'm sure I told you to. Should have listened.

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Postby vsekh on Sun Dec 14, 2003 12:26 am

Sounds like a bad drive. I have used the Maxell 48x CDR-Pro media. The only problem I have had is that it slows down in the middle of the burn and ends up at 40x speed if I try to burn data at 52x speed. Music CDs burn at 52x speed.
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Postby aviationwiz on Sun Dec 14, 2003 12:55 am

Yeah, it is probably a bad drive, but that's just the problem. Lite-On puts out so many more bad drives than Plextor or Pioneer for example. My recomendation? Get a Plextor.
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Postby Ian on Sun Dec 14, 2003 1:34 am

aviationwiz wrote:Lite-On puts out so many more bad drives than Plextor or Pioneer for example.

My bullshit detector went off and lead me directly here. :roll:
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Postby Spazmogen on Sun Dec 14, 2003 2:19 am

aviationwiz wrote:Yeah, it is probably a bad drive, but that's just the problem. Lite-On puts out so many more bad drives than Plextor or Pioneer for example. My recomendation? Get a Plextor.

Yeah it'll be a defective drive.

Even Plextor makes defective drives, but charges you way to much for them IMO.

My 1 year old 52246S is running strong with 6S0F firmware. The drive burns anything I throw at it.
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Postby aviationwiz on Sun Dec 14, 2003 2:28 am

Spazmogen wrote:Even Plextor makes defective drives

Yes, very true, but a lot less of them.
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Postby UALOneKPlus on Sun Dec 14, 2003 5:44 am

Ian wrote:
aviationwiz wrote:Lite-On puts out so many more bad drives than Plextor or Pioneer for example.

My bullshit detector went off and lead me directly here. :roll:

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Postby BurninMan921 on Sun Dec 14, 2003 8:19 am

I'll try to exchange the drive; those two discs made for four coasters yesterday. :(
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Postby UALOneKPlus on Sun Dec 14, 2003 8:24 am

BurninMan921 wrote:I'll try to exchange the drive; those two discs made for four coasters yesterday. :(

Best Buy has the Lite-On for sale today for $20 after rebate. YOu could always buy one of those, either as a replacement, or swap the defective drive in the box and return it as defective.
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Postby rdgrimes on Sun Dec 14, 2003 11:32 am

One error was a communication error, one was unable to finalize the cd

That does not sound like a drive problem, but an IDE problem.
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Postby BurninMan921 on Sun Dec 14, 2003 12:03 pm

Thats what I thought too...it's on a new (rounded) cable. I swapped it for a normal cable. That's the first/only time that I've gotten that error. The Optorite burner is on the same cable, no problems there.

All told this thing has made more than a dozen coasters, and maybe 30 good CD's. It's history very soon!
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Postby integspec on Sun Dec 14, 2003 12:25 pm

I always tried to stay out of giving my opinion on 7S because it's a FREAKIN SNAFU of a drive. I got it replaced but the second drive is behaving the same. This thread has started in a very auspicious time for me because I just cleared my last remining doubt about this drive; Fixed it on a friend's pc today but the behaviour didn't change a bit.

My both 7S' had been very unpredictable and have written coasters at free will. They never liked my RWs - 411 as the slave doesn't complain but 7S as the master in the same channel either fails or writes them at 4x and fails.

This opinion derived from my own experience (so, if you don't like it, ignore but don't flame me). My all time favourite drives are LG and Liteon but unfortunately 7S is a miserable drive which I feel nothing but reputation spoiler for Liteon.

Edit - Typos
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Postby RJW on Sun Dec 14, 2003 12:27 pm

Ian wrote:
aviationwiz wrote:Lite-On puts out so many more bad drives than Plextor or Pioneer for example.

My bullshit detector went off and lead me directly here. :roll:

Sorry to say but Lite On has a much higher return rate according to of my local shops then the average cd/dvd drives manufacturer.
So it's not bullshit. Also if I look arround in my area I just know only 1 Lite On drive which is older then 1.5 year and is still good working !
All other good working Lite On 's are not older as 4 months which makes me think.
Now the return rate isn't a real problem if you can swap it as fast as plextor does. But Lite On service just sucks waiting 10 weeks for a replacement drive is quite normal !!!
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Postby integspec on Sun Dec 14, 2003 12:48 pm

Could it be because Liteon sells more drives in your area than other manufacturers? Still it shouldn't be high as you say because it could only indicate some error on the side of Liteon.

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Postby CDRecorder on Sun Dec 14, 2003 12:53 pm

While I don't doubt that you are having trouble with Lite-On drives, I don't think this is true most places. If Lite-On drives were that troublesome, I don't think that anyone would buy them or recommend them. I personally own 6 Lite-On drives, 3 of which are over 1.5 years old, and every one still works. I've never had a Lite-On drive die.
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Postby vinnie97 on Sun Dec 14, 2003 3:28 pm

My TDK-badged 52246S died shy of a year's use. That was my first Lite-On experience so that makes me wonder whether getting the 523252S drive recently was a wise decision. These types of posts make me worry...
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Postby rdgrimes on Sun Dec 14, 2003 3:55 pm

90% of the posts/threads about people have repeated drive failures are due to system problems, not drive problems. The 52327S drive is just plain awesome for speed and burn quality. It does so on a wider range of media than virtually any other drive sold today. It's no secret that LiteOn has some quality control issues in manufacturing, but what do you want? It's a $50 drive! But anyone reporting 2 or more drive failures has got some other issue going on that is un-diagnosed.
90% of the drives that get returned are due to user error, software problems, un-related hardware problems or bad media. (or a combination of the above)
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Postby UALOneKPlus on Sun Dec 14, 2003 4:18 pm

I would tend to agree with you, rdgrimes. I've burned a ton of CD-R's now on exclusively Lite-On's in 3 of my machines, and have had very good results. The only time I've had bad results was due to suspicious media.

rdgrimes wrote:90% of the posts/threads about people have repeated drive failures are due to system problems, not drive problems. The 52327S drive is just plain awesome for speed and burn quality. It does so on a wider range of media than virtually any other drive sold today. It's no secret that LiteOn has some quality control issues in manufacturing, but what do you want? It's a $50 drive! But anyone reporting 2 or more drive failures has got some other issue going on that is un-diagnosed.
90% of the drives that get returned are due to user error, software problems, un-related hardware problems or bad media. (or a combination of the above)
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Postby Ian on Sun Dec 14, 2003 9:07 pm

Just another thought... You ever think that the Lite-On returns are due to their less than stellar documentation and tech support? Plextor kicks ass in this regard.. Lite-On does not. For someone that knows what they're doing and doesn't need a tech to sit and hold their hand, Lite-On drives can't be beat.
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Postby Dartman on Sun Dec 14, 2003 10:06 pm

My first 166s dvd from them died just after a year. It just wouldn't sin up properly or read any disk at all finally. BUT I also have a 32x that is over 2 years old that works fine, a 163 that is also over 2 years old that works fine, and a 48 and 52. The 166 is the first one to ever die and you'd think with JVC's help it should have been the best one. It worked so well and is so cheap now that I just bought another one anyways.
Now when It cost me 450 for a quad speed cdrw back in 98 I was livid when it had problems just short of a year old, now I just don't worry about it.
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Postby integspec on Mon Dec 15, 2003 1:05 am

I hope I'm included in the 10% left out in the statement posted above. If one has to choose between a PC which has done good with 3 different brands (Liteon, LG and Samsung) for nearly 2 years and a brand new product (7S) which came to the market, then the choice is not Rocket Science is it?

(If you don't understand the 10% story, read the top posts. Quoting anyone at this point would only be welcoming arguments.)

I wish people would read clearly what I had written and for once accept that Liteon could make mistakes. I never said or implied that whole 7S is a failure. I am a Liteon fan and usually very content with what they offer for the price we pay. I only have said that the drive I purchased and the replacement I recived for it, both had brought nothing but disappointment for me.

I wish most of the posters would read clrearly what others post and would give them a fair share of credibility before crushing them with negative responses.

Btw, 50$ argument doesn't really make sense to me. Liteon never said anywhere they will be offering less than reliable products because they are charging a /modest 50$ for it. What do I want 50$? not Plextor 708 but a fully functional 7S which works as advertised.

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Postby Jim on Mon Dec 15, 2003 1:51 am

If you don't solve your problems, or anyone else wants to buy a Lite-On LTR-52327S, both Circuit City and Best Buy have them for $19.99 after MIR this week. At this price I bought one as a back up and one for a Christmas gift. Best Buy also has TY Fuji 50 CD-R packs for $5 after MIR.

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