I'm calling out to all CDR Labs users who still have some of their failed cd-r discs available.
I need images, preferably high resolution, that show some common problems:
- holes in the reflective layer (oxidisation)
- fungus growth
- peeling-off of the label side and refletive layer
- very bad scratching of reflective side
- extreme asymmtery, thickness variations, bending
- severe changes in color or reflectivity
I'm finally starting to write my cd-r quality article (long in preparation) and I would need images for this kind of article.
Many people do not understand what are the possible perils that can hit that one back up cd that they hold dear. As always, an image speaks worth a thousand words...
So, if you have discs like these available, can you please post in this thread or mail me directly at:
If you are unsure about what kind of images I'm after, don't hesitate to ask.
Thanks for al the help in advance!
PS I had some really delicious discs that I unfortunately have long since gotten rid off: Kodak Gold's which peeled off by themselves. Some no-names that had multiple holes in the reflective layer as if shot with a miniatyre shotgun, discs that changed color and so forth. Now I feel stupid for not having saved them initially. Ah well...