Drive: Optorite DD0401
Firmware: V120E (latest)
Disc: Maxell CD-R Pro -
Manufacturer : Taiyo Yuden
Code : 97m24s01f
Disc Type : CD-R
Usage : General
Recording Layer : Dye Type 1: Long Strategy (Cyanine, AZO)
Recording Speed : n/a
Capacity : 79:59.72
703 MB
Additional Capacity : n/a
Overburn Capacity : not tested
Amount Burned: 1.35GB (of 1406MG) (157:58.47 according to CD Speed)
Burn Time: 7:33
CD-Speed scandisk: 100% damaged (!) - Is this a CD Speed, drive, or media problem? Quality Check shows average ~66K C2 errors, but read
speed stays high. I wanted this for HD-BURN, but if the discs are gonna be bad...
CD-Speed transfer rate test:
Start: 33.59x
End: 79.83x (!! SWEET !!)
Average: 60.31x
Um, time to make a Windows install disk on an HD-BURN disc!
OK, now: I need a server to post the screen grabs (and a quickie reminder on's been awhile).