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Postby alf on Thu Dec 04, 2003 1:17 pm

I need Media list for Asus DRW-0402P/D.
will you help me pls.

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Postby dodecahedron on Thu Dec 04, 2003 4:17 pm

this Asus drive is a rebadged Pioneer 106.
here is Ian's review of it: http://www.cdrlabs.com/reviews/index.php?reviewid=207
basically, it's the drive with the best media compatibility out there right now. so you can use just about any media, yes even crappy media, and get reasonable results.
of course if you use good/better media you'll get great results.
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Postby alf on Fri Dec 05, 2003 4:46 am

ok 10x.
the reason for that questiun is that i bought "Princo" DVD-R and ather media and the result was that onli 3 of 10 DVD-roms Read it after i burnd it the media is 1x 4x i tried the bouth speeds and the result was the same.
Can you tell me what to do.
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Postby RJW on Fri Dec 05, 2003 5:11 am

PRINCO =:evil:

Now princo has a very bad reputation. Why ?
A very bad quality assurance.
B Screwed ID. If princo makes some good disc's based on the analyzed disc's on a Datarius analyzer then there is no MID code on them. How can a writer write a disc decent when it can not identify the disc !
C Screwed MID codes. Uses MIDcodes of other manufacturers (TDK!)which didn't match the dye. Just to get there media supported on some writers.
D Very bad quality when it comes to ageing(Real and accelerate ageing tests)

So even with a hell of a writer which the Pioneer 106D is stay away from these media. Princo is probally the worst manufacturer of which you can buy media.

If you want cheap and most times quite decent -R media use media manufactured by:
Ritek, CMC, Prodisc
If you want excellent -R media use media with the following MID codes:
TY, Maxell, MCC, Pioneer, Fuji, TDK
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Postby Han on Fri Dec 05, 2003 5:22 am

Yep, Princo really does suck. :x I got 4x certified Princos that were recorded from 1x to 4x speed on Pioneer DVR-106D. Discs are readable, but the quality is terrible.
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