I finally upgraded to a Memorex 52Maxx (model 2452AJ, firm: 6ws6). I understand this is really just a lite-on drive.
I'm wondering however if it is faulty. The host is a Win2k sp3, 5G free on a Quantum Turdball, 256M RAM, 500mhz Celeron. Intel 440BX chipset. Not a rocket machine but I figured its enough for the task.
Memorex is on a secondary controller as master all alone.
When I run Nero CDSpeed created test disk I get results that seem very inconsistent. I notice most posted drive tests show
a nice smooth results curve. My results are sawtoothed. It's like the drive cant seek properly?
Memorex is on a secondary controller as master all alone. No other apps or significant Win services are running and NeroCD speed has focus.
Different media doesnt seem to make much difference. I get the same pattern with different brands. The posted pic is of verbatim 48 max media. Is the host just insufficient for the task or is the drive defective?
Here's the graph:

I know I should be able to figure this out on my own but I've not found any specific FAQs on interpreting CDSpeed results.
Any help or thoughts are appreciated! I just dont know where to even begin troubleshooting.