CDRecorder wrote:Make sure your BIOS is set to auto-detect the drive. If that doesn't help, try another IDE cable.
CDRecorder wrote:It is different for each motherboard; the general idea is to go into the BIOS setup and look for the IDE channel settings. Make sure that each device is set to "auto". Most likely, your motherboard is already set up this way, but it is good to check.
cfitz wrote:Imperialwar wrote:They said I need the file named "MSC0001"
That's related to the old MSCDEX.EXE DOS/Windows95/98/ME CD-ROM driver support. What OS are you using?
CDRecorder wrote:If the IDE cable didn't help and the jumpers are set properly, I'd suggest that you RMA the drive.
CDRecorder wrote:RMA basically means to have the drive replaced through its warranty. RMA stands for "Return Merchandise Authorization".
When the computer starts up, the BIOS usually lists all of the drives which it has detected. Vsekh was asking if the BIOS lists your drive when it starts up.
vsekh wrote:Did you connect this burner with another drive on the same cable?
If yes, make sure you have connected the pin in the back of both drives appropriately to slave or master since your motherboard does not show it on bootup.
vsekh wrote:Try disconnecting the Zip drive and bootup your system to see if it sees the burner.
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