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Sony 510A Not burning 4x DVD-R media at 4x.....Help!


Sony 510A Not burning 4x DVD-R media at 4x.....Help!

Postby Snyperx on Sun Nov 30, 2003 4:33 pm

I just bought a Sony 510A burner and am having a small problem. I burned by first disc, but it would only burn my 4x rated medai (Fuji) and 2.4x. Is there something wrong with my drive?? I am running Windows XP SP1, Nero, and firmware verison 1.0d (latest). Any input would be appreciated. Thanks.
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Postby Dartman on Sun Nov 30, 2003 8:09 pm

Probably not the Sony 500 series drives are picky about which media they will burn at 4x. My 500a only does about 3 types of minus at 4x, the rest do 2. I just found out a bunch of the Memorex Plus 4x media I bought that has a normally good manufacturers code will only do 2.4 most of the time. Meritline and others have lists of media that will work at 4x on the Sony drives. Try TDK plus 4x and BeAll 4x minus and see if they work OK for you. Sony also has a list of what they consider good media for their drives.
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Postby Bhairav on Mon Dec 01, 2003 1:03 am

Hey Snyperx, are you sure that the media you burnt was +R and not -R? IIRC, -R cannot be burnt at 2.4X speed, only 2X and 4X speed so far.
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Postby Snyperx on Mon Dec 01, 2003 1:04 am

Then it was probably 2x since it was a DVD-R disc. I am new to DVD burners, my apologies:-)
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Postby californicator on Fri Dec 05, 2003 8:02 pm

my dru-500a burns princo whitetops at 4x
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Postby cenkog on Sat Dec 06, 2003 7:35 am

I also use 4x Princo white medias (at 4x) in my DRU-510 DVD burner & they work flawlessly ... In addition these Princo 4x medias are very cheap & extremely problem-free IMO...
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