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have cdrw drive speeds plateaued?

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have cdrw drive speeds plateaued?

Postby aschapm on Thu Jan 01, 1970 5:00 am

it seems that there was a mad rush to 48... then quiet. since cdrom drives are barely faster than this, does that mean we've reached the maximum potential for cdrw drives (at least, for a while)? are new cdrws just around the corner? if so, how approx. how long?

note: this isn't just a general musings thread, i have an "old" 16x yamaha that's been acting up lately. i'd like to replace it with either the sony 40x or the lg 40x (or 48, but the price difference isn't worth the speed increase, and the sony can be flashed to 48). but i could hold back a few months if 60x burners are coming 'round... but waiting 6 months would be silly, considering the sony 40x is available now for $30 after rebates.
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Postby Ian on Thu Jan 01, 1970 5:00 am

I know that a few companies have 52x writers in the works, but others like Plextor have said that 48x is fast enough.

You'll be seeing drives with faster rewriting speeds over the next few months. When these top out at 32x, I'm not sure what drive manufacturers will do. Faster combo drives? Faster DVD writers? Definitely.

One of my contacts mentioned a 48x combo drive some time before Christmas... :wink:
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Postby Robotnik on Thu Jan 01, 1970 5:00 am

Ian wrote:I know that a few companies have 52x writers in the works

Any chance you could guesstimate when the 1st 52X burners might come out? :) Q1-2003? :roll:
Memorex 52Maxx 52/24/52
MSI CR40-A 40x 12x 40x
Ricoh MP5125A DVD+RW/+R 2.4/2.4/8 DVDRW, 12/10/32 CDRW
Optorite DD0203
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Postby eliminator on Thu Jan 01, 1970 5:01 am

Before ChristmaS 2002 ! 8)
Wake up ATI :-)
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Postby eliminator on Thu Jan 01, 1970 5:01 am

52x32x52 ... $99.99 :P
Wake up ATI :-)
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Postby dagger on Sun Nov 16, 2003 11:18 am

I'm new to this all and just biught my first CDRW from best buys, it was a Liteon 52x32x52 cdrw drive. What kind of cd do i use with this and are their better brands than others? Also i would figure since dvdrw's are here we seen the last of stand alone cdrw drives.
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Postby dodecahedron on Sun Nov 16, 2003 4:08 pm

dang! :o talk about reviving an old topic!

dagger, you'd be better off starting a new topic (what's more, your question is'nt really related to the contents of the topic!)
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Postby eliminator on Sun Nov 16, 2003 10:07 pm

yeah .... the last post was back in 1969 ! :wink: :lol:
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Postby craiger on Wed Nov 26, 2003 11:21 pm

What about Lite-On's 52x32x52x16x CD-RW/DVD Combo? That drive is coming soon. LG is going to be making a 52x32x52x16x CD-RW/DVD combo also. They said that one is going to be the end of the year or sometime next year.

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