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Why can't i just leave things alone...

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Why can't i just leave things alone...

Postby skuntbehavior on Tue Nov 25, 2003 10:13 pm

i bought a lite-on 48x a while back and it served me well. i was by no means retiring the unit but i found a samsung for a deal so i have been using it. besides the samsung not being able to recognize 48x media and after updating firmware i have decided to go back to my trust lite-on. yeah well....i have tried attaching the burner to my onboard ide controller, placing it on a controller card, have checked dma. the burner buffer state/level goes from 98% to 10% back up and back down. the led on the burner goes from a bright red to a lighter shade of red while burning and i just burned a copy of ac/dc's back in black taking a total time of 4:38
there are just 10 tracks on that album and there is no way it should be taking that long. not sure what to do. any suggestions.
i am using an abit nf7-s
windows 2000 pro
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Postby dolphinius_rex on Wed Nov 26, 2003 12:10 am

It sounds like DMA has not been enabled for the drive. Go into the settings for the IDE ATA/ATAPI controller, and make sure your burner is set to "DMA is available".
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Postby skuntbehavior on Wed Nov 26, 2003 1:13 am

thanks for responding.
that was the first thing i did actually! :D
just tried another cable. will report findings.
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Postby CDRecorder on Wed Nov 26, 2003 12:37 pm

Also, have you checked to make sure DMA is enabled on your hard drive(s) and any other optical drives in the system?
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Postby skuntbehavior on Wed Nov 26, 2003 1:39 pm

all done. those were the very first things i did.

what else? :cry:
going to try another test. ripping a cd is taking forever.
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Postby CDRecorder on Wed Nov 26, 2003 2:17 pm

Are you using the built-in Microsoft drivers for your motherboard's onboard IDE controller, or are you using the nForce2 drivers?

Your Lite-On drive should be connected to the onboard IDE controller if it isn't already.
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Postby skuntbehavior on Wed Nov 26, 2003 2:21 pm

using the standard drivers. that the problem?
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Postby skuntbehavior on Wed Nov 26, 2003 2:34 pm

must i tear down the system in order to install these drivers or can i just install outright.
i just tried upgrading to the nforce drivers and the primary and secondary installed fine but the 'standard dual channel pci ide controller' install told me that 'an error ocurred during the installation of the device,
the specified program requires a newer version of windows.'
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Postby CDRecorder on Wed Nov 26, 2003 2:41 pm

The nForce IDE drivers shouldn't be used because they often cause problems with CD-RW drives.

Does Win2K support Driver Rollback? If it does, try using that feature a few times until the drivers for the IDE controller are all the Microsoft drivers.

Also, do you have SP4 installed for Win2K?
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Postby skuntbehavior on Wed Nov 26, 2003 2:42 pm

sp4 is installed. is that a bad thing?

looks like the driver install did not work so that is good.
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Postby CDRecorder on Wed Nov 26, 2003 2:44 pm

I don't think SP4 is bad; I was going to recommend that you install it if you hadn't already.
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Postby skuntbehavior on Wed Nov 26, 2003 2:45 pm

you know when i first got this board i installed the nforce drivers but i wasn't having these problemos. plus...i had the lite-on installed too.
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Postby CDRecorder on Wed Nov 26, 2003 2:46 pm

Interesting. Well, you could try installing the nForce drivers again; just make sure to set a System Restore Point before installing them so you can restore back if things get worse.
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Postby skuntbehavior on Wed Nov 26, 2003 2:47 pm

hey...i appreciate your help. i will try a few things before i give up and totally tear everything down. :)
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Buffer Underrun
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Postby CDRecorder on Wed Nov 26, 2003 2:49 pm

You're welcome. Let us know what happens! :)
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Postby skuntbehavior on Wed Nov 26, 2003 2:49 pm

i will. :wink:
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Buffer Underrun
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