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Audio recording speed

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Audio recording speed

Postby finnishguy on Fri Nov 21, 2003 1:30 pm

I recorded one audio-CD at 48x speed with my Samsung SM-352B. When I listened it with my CD-player, I could hear snapping sounds. In other CD-player it played fine. I recorded it again at 24x and now there are less "snaps" (if any).
The source files are .mp3 files, that I burned into normal audio-CD with Nero.

What is the maximum speed for recording audio CD's (my drive can record max at 52x)?
Does it matter what media I use? At this time I used Imation 48x 700MB/80MIN CD-R.

ATIP: 97m 17s 06f
Disc Manufacturer: Moser Baer India Ltd.
Reflective layer: Dye (Short strategy; e.g. Phthalocyanine)
Media type: CD-Recordable
Recording Speeds: min. unknown - max. unknown
nominal Capacity: 702.83MB (79m 59s 74f / LBA: 359849)
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Postby burninfool on Fri Nov 21, 2003 5:11 pm

Media is a big factor for quality,try another brand and update your CD writer firmware.I would convert the MP3's to WAV first,some burn software have inferior converters.
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