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More about the Fuji CD's

Postby JustRob on Wed Nov 05, 2003 12:46 am

I cleaned out my local best buy on there last special with a rebate. I figured after reading here they would re stock with the crap versions (not TY) so I went back a few days ago. They had about 50 spindles on the shelf. I looked at them all and they were all Made in Japan. I bought 4 spindles and came home and furiously ripped them open and did the CD check (visual and CD check) and they were in fact Taiyo Yuden.

Sweetness, they are still out there.....Maybe they are gonna go to another brand but for now you can still find the good stuff out there. I got 4 packs of 50 with 8 MIR on all 4.

Good luck just thought I would share.............
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Postby aviationwiz on Wed Nov 05, 2003 9:29 am


Maybe we don't have to start stocking up on TY, we can just stock up the normal amounts :wink:

If BestBuy still has TY, either Fuji is still packaging some TY disks, or BestBuy (all stores) is just packaging old stock of the 50 spindles.
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Postby JustRob on Wed Nov 05, 2003 4:44 pm

Yup I thought the same. Just glad to get my hands on more of them. A few months ago (before coming here) I never heard of TY. After all the "its the best" stuff I been stockin up on it.

No coasters yet in about 200 burns with them where as with my old stuff I would get a few per 50 pk. Lucky me.

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BB Fujis

Postby DeathStalker77 on Mon Nov 10, 2003 3:07 pm

Ok, AFAIK, the 50-pack Fujis are all still TY - it's only the NEW 100-single spindle packs that are Prodisc (at least that's been my experience).

I tried contacting Fuji's Product Manager - Jamie Cito - the the jerk just completey blew me off, saying it wasn't his area to comment on the manufacturing (then WHOSE bloody area IS it???!) If anyone else wants to try, Fuji's Corp number (in the US) is 800-755-3854 (and that's where Jamie is as well).

The TDK's I've been getting from BB have been pretty good, but I'd STILL rather have TYs.

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Postby aviationwiz on Mon Nov 10, 2003 6:08 pm

The 50 spindles at CompUSA and other stores are Prodisc as well.
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Postby dolphinius_rex on Tue Nov 11, 2003 6:24 am

I should pick up a spindle of both and to a "head to head" review on both types! that should be interesting! :D (we all know who's going to win though! LOL!)
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Postby Infinity on Tue Nov 11, 2003 5:27 pm

dolphinius_rex, I would appreciate that (and I'm sure other's would too). Obviously TY would win, but if the Prodiscs are still decent for archiving purposes, it would be great! Especially since all I have are Fuji cdrs, and I must admit its nice having all my discs look the same :) But I only have about 70 TY Fujis left...
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Postby Coyote on Wed Nov 12, 2003 3:15 am

Tonight I bought another 100pk(2x50) from BB. They are TY (Japan). The stores around me only carry the 2x50, not the true 100pk. Anyway, everytime they are on sale, I bought some, and never seen the ones made in Taiwan. I've checked several area BB's and none had these so-called Taiwan discs. This is in Texas.

Maybe Fuji decided to keep their 50pks as TY, and just make 100pk Taiwan?
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Postby aviationwiz on Wed Nov 12, 2003 6:25 pm

Coyote wrote:Maybe Fuji decided to keep their 50pks as TY, and just make 100pk Taiwan?

There are 50 spindle's that are the Prodisc.
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Postby CDRecorder on Sat Nov 15, 2003 2:19 am

aviationwiz wrote:There are 50 spindle's that are the Prodisc.

I saw the 50-spindles made by Prodisc last time I went to CompUSA. The 30-spindles were still TY, though.
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Postby aviationwiz on Sat Nov 15, 2003 8:41 pm

CDRecorder wrote:
aviationwiz wrote:There are 50 spindle's that are the Prodisc.

I saw the 50-spindles made by Prodisc last time I went to CompUSA. The 30-spindles were still TY, though.

Yeah, when I went today, they had like 1 50 spindle left, it was Prodisc, but even the design on the top of the disk is different. They didn't have the standard Fuji covering thing.
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Postby dolphinius_rex on Sun Nov 16, 2003 11:03 pm

Well, I just went and picked up my first (and probably last) spindle of 50pc made in Japan Fuji CD-Rs. Now I just need to wait until the new Prodisc stock becomes available. If someone wants to help a Dolphin out and send me 15-20pcs of the Prodisc stuff I'll be able to do my "head to head" review sooner :wink:

at least I don't have to worry about the "made in Japan" stock running out, now that I have some! :D
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Postby David on Mon Nov 17, 2003 1:30 am

Well I decided to try the Prodisc ones the link to my post in the media compatability thread is here.
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Postby dolphinius_rex on Mon Nov 17, 2003 2:28 am

Well, what I plan to put them through is a little more intensive then that, but it is good to know that they at least are comparable to the Taiyo Yuden stock in some ways (we'll have to see how other drives burn them too!).
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Postby RJW on Mon Nov 17, 2003 1:08 pm

Would be nice to throw in some Fuji manufactured media as well.
That's the stuff that's floating arround in Holland and Germany and some other European countries. The media is made in Germany.
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Postby dolphinius_rex on Mon Nov 17, 2003 3:49 pm

If that is an offer I'll take you up on it RJW :D

Unfortunatly, I have *NO* current sources for the FujiFilm made CD-Rs at this time, so I'll have to rely on the generosity of others for this one.
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Postby articulate on Mon Nov 17, 2003 9:52 pm

OK, here are the facts about the Fuji 50 pc. spindles (48x) available in Europe:
Ready for this?

Media Information

Format Capacity Not Formatted
Free Blocks 736958464
Free Capacity 702.82MB(736.96MB)
Media Type CD-R
ATIP Start Time of Lead In (Media Code) 97m15s17f
ATIP Last Possible Start Time of Lead Out 79m59s70f
Manufacturer Name Ritek Co.
HD-BURN Certified YES
Available Write Descriptor CLV 4000.0x 600000KB
Available Write Descriptor CLV 8000.0x 1200000K
Available Write Descriptor CLV 16000.0x 2400000
Available Write Descriptor CLV 20000.0x 3000000
Available Write Descriptor CLV 24000.0x 3600000
Available Write Descriptor CLV 32000.0x 4800000
Available Write Descriptor CLV 40000.0x 6000000

That's right, RITEK!

First one I burned was a coaster, had a scratch on the burning surface, thousands of C2 errors.

Second one only burned up to 24x speed.

Third one got up to 40x in the last 3 sec. of the burn (Teac 540E).

Then I burned a TY Fuji 48X...no comparison. Everything A-OK with the Japanese stuff. (Although I have to admit I've had 3-4 coasters w/ this TY spindle so far, broke off writing w/ an error message, highly unusual!)

Compared all the above burns w/ Nero CD Speed, there were no errors, but the TY disc is obviously excellent all-round, while the "European" Fuji stuff seems to waver in quality on a disc-by-disc basis. Might return the discs...if you want junk, you shouldn't have to buy Fuji!

Bottom line: Fuji has screwed their "quality" image, at least in Europe!

Moral of the story: Grab those Fuji TYs while you can.... :wink:
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Postby RJW on Tue Nov 18, 2003 8:19 am

Ritek Fuji's.I have seen them befor but not much. Mostly in eastern Europe that I have seen people mentioning them.

Articulate from which country are you ?

The disc's I meant are the disc's made by Fuji Germanny the plant that's right over the Dutch border.
The ones with the following atip code :97m26s45f
id: FUJI Photo Film Co., Ltd.
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Postby MediumRare on Tue Nov 18, 2003 9:09 am

I've got some Fuji/RiTEK's too, but have no reason to complain. They are among the best discs I have used and are at least as good as the German Fuji discs from Kleve (admittedly based on a limited sample). See Fuji 48x (RiTEK) and Fuji 52x (Fuji) in the media compatibility thread.

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Postby articulate on Tue Nov 18, 2003 10:33 am

@RJW: Bought 'em in Germany, at a Saturn outlet.

@MediumRare: Maybe the first 3 discs of the spindle were an aberration, but I doubt it. We will see.... :-?
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Postby David on Tue Nov 18, 2003 3:26 pm

I still havm't gotten around to testing the Fuji Prodics with my Benq's but I did some more burns at diffrent speeds with my LTR-52246s all scans were done at max speed.

Burned at 48x

Burned at 40x

Burned at 32x

If you have a Lite-On LTR-52246s they work quite well atleast that is my experience so far.
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Postby pchilson on Tue Nov 18, 2003 10:31 pm

These look like very respectable results.
Maybe Fuji kept quality a top priority while searching out a new supplier.

It seems to me that Fuji has built a reputation for providing some of the highest quality media available.

If this holds up then perhaps we can trust Fuji to make the right choices?
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Postby articulate on Wed Nov 19, 2003 6:26 am

Another coaster w/ the Ritek Fujis.
Plus they don't burn at more than 32x.
Plus they smell very strongly of , well, chemicals.
I'm taking them back. Junk.
Maybe I got a bad batch...but at this point I wouldn't trust the next one to be better. No more of these Fujis for me! :evil:
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