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Help with audio quality Burning is really BAD.

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Help with audio quality Burning is really BAD.

Postby goden99 on Sun Nov 16, 2003 11:33 pm


I burned two music CDs using my friends new LG GCC-4520BB 52x24X48X+16X CDRW + DVD Drive on to Two Maxell 80minute CDs.

The quality of them are really bad. I noticed them when I listen to it in the car it didn't sound right at all.

So at home using my LG GDE-8525BB 52x32x52x I ran Nero test programs. And I am shoked what I found, please take a look.
By the way why can't I report C1 errors ? I upgraded it to the new 101 firmware.

So I did the CD Speed: ScanDisk Surface Scan from Nero and heres what I found on CD1. This was burned at 8X
http://home.golden.net/~charleyso/CDQua ... rfscan.JPG
And the I did the
CD Quality Test which was even more horrible,
http://home.golden.net/~charleyso/CDQua ... _Check.JPG

Can someone help me out to pin point why this happened to Both CDs I burned ?
I remember using these CDs with my only Sony 8X and they usto make amazing Audio CDs and I bought two packs of them.

I had burned anouther CD using his burner and I am making the results of them now.

The Blanks are maxell certified up to 12X
Manufacturer: Hitatchi Maxell
Code: 97m25s23f
Disc Type: CD-R
Usage: General
Recording Layer: Dye Type3: Long Strategy (Cyanine, AZO)
Capacity: 79:59.74 / 703 MB

The other music cd was burned at 10X

CD Quality Test http://home.golden.net/~charleyso/CDQua ... yCheck.JPG
CD Speed: ScanDisk Surface Scan
http://home.golden.net/~charleyso/CDQua ... rfscan.JPG

Anyone ?

Cd3 was data and its in my friends car he is telling me he is having a hard time getting some of the stuff on it (All MP3s on it) like some of the songs it won't take it.

Can i use any of the advanced programs on this Burner to see CD quality ?

is it the burner or the blanks ?
The slowest I can burn is 8X on this thing. Any way to go slower like say 4X ?
Last edited by goden99 on Sun Nov 16, 2003 11:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby aviationwiz on Sun Nov 16, 2003 11:45 pm

What speed did you burn the disks at? Audio CD's should be burned at 24x or slower. Also, LG drives can not report C1 Errors, only Lite-On drives and the Plextor Premium can report C1 errors, that I know of at least.
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Postby goden99 on Mon Nov 17, 2003 12:00 am

Cd 1 was burned at 8X
CD 2 was burned at 10X

but both start messing up after about the 45minute mark.
Anything special about that point ?
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Postby burninfool on Mon Nov 17, 2003 12:03 am

My guess it's the media.
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Postby goden99 on Mon Nov 17, 2003 1:10 am

Is there a way to burn SLOWER than 8X on my LG GDE-8525BB ?

Just finished burning at 12X on a Mitsumi CD heres the quality.

CD Speed: Disc Info
Manufacturer: Infodisc
Code: 97m25s35f
Disc Type CD-R
Usage: General
Recording Layer: Dye Type 5: Short Strategy (Phthalocyanine)
Recording Speed: N/A <---- Why does it not know it's up to 48X ?
Capacity: 79:59.74 / 703 MB

CD Quality
http://home.golden.net/~charleyso/CDQua ... umiCDs.JPG
Cd Speed: Scandisk was all green (good)

so guess your right it is the media.
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Postby aviationwiz on Mon Nov 17, 2003 9:25 am

The latest burn looks good, also, the reason it doesn't show up to 48x is because you are using Lite-On's ?Smart Burn tool?, and you are using a non-Lite-On drive.
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Postby thebunk on Mon Nov 17, 2003 9:49 am

Have a look at my post here. While I do not have any answers to your problem I too am sharing in your plight. The problem is that it seems some LG burners seem to have conflicts and the audio burning capabilites seem to go bad. Also unfortunately it seems no one knows what sgoing on here, including LG. I am on my second LG drive right now (first was RMA'd). Anyway my post can be found here:

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Postby RJW on Mon Nov 17, 2003 12:12 pm

Hitachi Maxell manufactured media is known to be not well supported on some drives.
I would recommend some TY media and see if the problem is there.
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Postby dolphinius_rex on Mon Nov 17, 2003 12:21 pm

RJW wrote:Hitachi Maxell manufactured media is known to be not well supported on some drives.
I would recommend some TY media and see if the problem is there.

I agree that the media is most likely the problem, although it is too bad because generally speaking the Hitachi made media is REALLY good quality, but if your drive doesn't like it then it doesn't like it.
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Postby RJW on Mon Nov 17, 2003 12:58 pm

Really good. ??
Okay the media itself is well manufactured however the suplying to third parties is quite bad.
It's quite strange that LG has allready problems with this media. Since afterall LG and Hitachi are very close.
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Postby dolphinius_rex on Mon Nov 17, 2003 4:12 pm

True, it *IS* very odd. I only say the media is good because every experience that I've had with it in the last 2 years has been extremely positive. Error rates always below 2 C1 averages :D
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Postby goden99 on Mon Nov 17, 2003 9:58 pm

I would just like to first express my thanks to all that have helped put some insite in my problem.
Thanks aviationwiz, burninfool, thebunk, RJW, dolphinius_rex.

Just to make sure everything in my mind is correct
C1 are bad
but C2 are VERY bad
right ?

are the Infodiscs that i am using now good ? (even thou they say mitsumi on em)
Dye Type 5 ?

I am using NEro Cd Speed to get this info by the way.
dont know any other way.

Isn't there a way to force this burner to burn at SLOW speeds ?
like even 2X or atleast 4X ?
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Postby aviationwiz on Mon Nov 17, 2003 10:04 pm

C1 is bad, but it will be in every disk, regardless of media, burner, etc.
C2 is very bad, and will in most cases, prevent the disk from being properly read.

Infodisc CD-RW media from what I have heard is very bad, don't know about thier CD-R's. The quality of my Memorex 12x CD-RW isn't too bad, they work, not the best around though (Infodisc)
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Postby TheWizard on Tue Nov 18, 2003 3:53 am

dolphinius_rex wrote:I agree that the media is most likely the problem, although it is too bad because generally speaking the Hitachi made media is REALLY good quality, but if your drive doesn't like it then it doesn't like it.

Careful, I have some CompUSA branded Hitachi Maxell media and it is the worst I have ever come across. Errors galore and the top layer on some discs has peeled off, thus making them unreadable. While I know some good Hitachi Maxell media exists, I recommend all to stay away from CompUSA branded 24X CD-R's in the fear that they might be Hitachi Maxell.
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Postby dolphinius_rex on Tue Nov 18, 2003 3:56 am

I haven't heard too much good about ANY compUSA branded CD-Rs! Has anyone ever had a good experience?
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