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Just got the Optorite DD0401


Just got the Optorite DD0401

Postby Gazza on Fri Nov 14, 2003 12:27 pm

I bought this from Livewarehouse.com and arrived fedex'd in 2 days in one piece :D.
I've had a Finding Nemo DVD IMG file on my drive for a good month or so and last night I actually got to burn it, once done I tried to play it in PowerDVD but was getting a internal error, tried another dvd software app but was getting same thing, so initially I thought I had screwed up my first burn using those Memorex 4x +R that were on sale :cry:
So I rebooted and tried again but to no avail, so I updated PowerDVD to 5.0 and success it played and looked damn good :D.
I checked the specs on this drive with nero info tool and the only thing that's no supported in the list is Mount Ranier and DVD Ram.
One thing I did notice was it only gave me (in Nero 6.0) the option to burn at 4x and not 8x like I was hoping to, anyone know what I need to do to enable it to burn 8x on 4x media ?
Also what tools can I use to test the burn quality and specs of this drive ?

DD0401 specs
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Re: Just got the Optorite DD0401

Postby Ian on Fri Nov 14, 2003 4:58 pm

Gazza wrote:One thing I did notice was it only gave me (in Nero 6.0) the option to burn at 4x and not 8x like I was hoping to, anyone know what I need to do to enable it to burn 8x on 4x media

Check Optorite's website. They have a list of media that will work at 8x.
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Postby UALOneKPlus on Sun Nov 16, 2003 5:50 pm

hey Ian, are you gonna review the 0401?
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Postby Ian on Sun Nov 16, 2003 8:25 pm

UALOneKPlus wrote:hey Ian, are you gonna review the 0401?

That depends on OptoRite. They were supposed to send us their 4x DVD writer and never did. Not the first time they didn't come through on their promises. Doesn't make me feel confident about their products. :-?
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