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LG 4040 - UDMA Mode 4?


LG 4040 - UDMA Mode 4?

Postby Kanyon on Sun Nov 16, 2003 6:08 pm

Hello everyone.
I currently own the LG4040B. This drive is excellent all around, and I've been very happy with it up to this point.

However, I do have one problem. And I am hoping that someone out there can help me with it.
I am unable to get the drive to function in UDMA Mode 4 as advertised.

I have removed and reinstalled my VIA IDE drivers, tried the Microsoft reisident IDE drivers, Tried different IDE cables, and verified that DMA is enabled in the BIOS.
Currently I am set to UDMA Mode 2 which is ok, but I would like the faster data transfer rate of Mode 4.
The VIA IDE Miniport Utility only recognizes the drive as being capable of UDMA mode 2 at best.
I'm using Windows XP, and the drive is set to the Secondary Master.

Am I the only one out there who can't get this drive into UDMA Mod4?
If any of you 4040 owners out there can help, I'd be very appreciative.
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Postby lgmayka on Sun Nov 16, 2003 6:15 pm

My 4040B, along with my CD-ROM drive, runs at UDMA Mode 2. I, too, have wondered why the 4040B doesn't run at its claimed Mode 4.
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Postby aviationwiz on Sun Nov 16, 2003 6:19 pm

Everything on my system is running in Mode 2 (LTD-163D, PX-Prem, PX-708A. Everything is working fine as well. I don't think you need Mode 4, as the drive can't read or write data to the disk that fast anyways.
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Postby Kanyon on Sun Nov 16, 2003 6:40 pm

Thanks for the replies,
If it isn't ever needed, then why make drives with that capability? I'm not sure I understand....

The reason for this concern is that I'm concerned that my drive is not actually ripping my dvd's as quickly as it should be. I don't have a separate DVD drive, so I use the 4040 to rip my DVD movies. It takes forever (sometimes over an hour) to rip a movie. I don't do this often, since I primarily use the drive to backup my data.

Are there any 4040 owners out there who have managed to get this drive to work at UDMA 4 (as LG says its capable of doing?)
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Postby dodecahedron on Sun Nov 16, 2003 7:33 pm

no optical drive tansfers data fast enough for it to make any difference anyway - the Ultra DMA mode 2 is fast enough.
what do you care if the specs of the data bus are faster than the actual ability of the drive to transfer data?

if your drive isn't ripping fast enough, it's not because it's only Ultra DMA mode 2.
make sure DMA is enabled.
check out the FAQ:
How to enable DMA in Windows XP (with pictures)
Problems enabling DMA in Windows XP
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Postby Ian on Sun Nov 16, 2003 8:23 pm

It does not support UDMA Mode 4. Once again, LG made a typo somewhere.
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Postby dodecahedron on Sun Nov 16, 2003 9:10 pm

Ian wrote:It does not support UDMA Mode 4. Once again, LG made a typo somewhere.

yeah, that's exactly what i had thought.
BTW Ian, how do you know it does NOT ?
Data Transfer Rate(Burst) 16.67MB/sec (PIO Mode 4 or Multi-DMA Mode 2)
66.66MB/sec (Ultra DMA Mode 4)

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Postby Ian on Sun Nov 16, 2003 9:47 pm

1. It said UDMA 33 in the manual
2. I couldn't get it to work at UDMA Mode 4 either
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Postby Ian on Sun Nov 16, 2003 9:49 pm

Is there a difference between the GSA4040B and GSA4040BI?? I just noticed that.
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Postby dodecahedron on Sun Nov 16, 2003 10:53 pm

Ian wrote:Is there a difference between the GSA4040B and GSA4040BI?? I just noticed that.

yeah, i haven't noticed it either (till you pointed out) :o

it's all the GSA-4040B.

from http://us.lge.com/products/models/GSA4040BI_spec.html :
GSA-4040BB:048231292306 (Bulk)
GSA-4040BI: 048231292290 (Retail)

2 codes for the same drive.
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