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Optorite DD0203 burned media cant be read by some dvd drives


Postby raygay27 on Thu Oct 02, 2003 1:24 am

got myself a LITEON 16x dvdrom 166s and it reads all the DVD-rs created by optorite previously not readable in my LG 8161B and Pioneer 106S slot-in dvdroms.i heard 165H also works fine. 163 or 163D DON'T WORK.
so if you want to get optorite maybe u also get Liteon dvdroms.

whether 2.09 f/w is better, indeed i have relevant experience. my media is Princo 2x. Firmware 2.09 rendered readable DVD-Rs in my Pioneer 106S but not 2.16.
ps.i use Pioneer 106S dvdrom for testing out those DVD-Rs because i think it is most reperesentative.
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Postby xman on Fri Oct 03, 2003 3:48 am

f/w 2.09 don't work for me. I used nero60015 & datawrite red (v2). Still can't used DAO mode on DVD-Rs that can read on my Toshiba SD-M1712. Multisession works for movies & data anyway. Just need to use UDF/ISO for movies to work on standalone players.
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Postby abarth on Fri Oct 03, 2003 5:37 am

I don't know if this help, but I just got the DD0201 with fw 2.17 using Memorex dvd-r 4x, my Pioneer 106 dvd-rom plays all movie-DVDs burnt by DD0201 no problem.
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Postby odinfire on Wed Nov 12, 2003 9:40 pm

Im sure everyone already knows this but I figured I would state it for new people visiting the thread.

Firmware version 2.23 for the Optorite DD0203 has been released. This takes care of the DVD-R compatibility issue. I have flashed my drive with the new firmware and I can now FINALIZE disks and they will play on my Pioneer PC Drive as well as my standalone player.

The firmware is located on the Optorite site. The urls are as follows:

Windows Flash Version: http://www.optorite.com/DD0203_win_223.zip

DOS Flash Version: http://www.optorite.com/DD0203_dos_223.zip

I HIGHLY RECOMMEND flashing to the new firmware as it corrects the finalzing problem.
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Postby DonBerg on Thu Nov 13, 2003 3:42 am

I also updated to the v2.23 firmware and it now allows compatability with the new 4x DVD+RW media. The earlier firmware version would not properly burn 4X +RW media only 2.4x.
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DVD +RW 4x

Postby Dickmann on Fri Nov 14, 2003 2:00 am

Understood i right ? With the new FW 2,23 you now can burn
with 4xspeed DVD+RW ?


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Re: DVD +RW 4x

Postby DonBerg on Fri Nov 14, 2003 3:51 am

Dickmann wrote:Understood i right ? With the new FW 2,23 you now can burn
with 4xspeed DVD+RW ?



Yes with the new firmware you can now use 4x speed DVD+RW but it will burn only at 2.4x speed. But with prior versions it wouldn't burn properly at any speed!
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Postby UALOneKPlus on Sun Nov 16, 2003 12:02 pm

Sweet, thanks!!!
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Postby UALOneKPlus on Sun Nov 16, 2003 12:18 pm

A couple of questions:

After flashing to 2.23, my drive now shows "Region Code 2". Does your DD0203 show the same thing??

Also, is there any region-free firmware update for this drive yet?
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Postby burninfool on Sun Nov 16, 2003 3:54 pm

UALOneKPlus wrote:A couple of questions:

After flashing to 2.23, my drive now shows "Region Code 2". Does your DD0203 show the same thing??

Also, is there any region-free firmware update for this drive yet?

The "Dangerous Brothers" have a beta FW:
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Postby UALOneKPlus on Sun Nov 16, 2003 4:46 pm

Cool. Thanks. I wonder if I should wait until the firmware is categorized under "firmwares that work".

burninfool wrote:
UALOneKPlus wrote:A couple of questions:

After flashing to 2.23, my drive now shows "Region Code 2". Does your DD0203 show the same thing??

Also, is there any region-free firmware update for this drive yet?

The "Dangerous Brothers" have a beta FW:
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