OK, here are the facts about the Fuji 50 pc. spindles (48x) available in Europe:
Ready for this?
Media Information
Format Capacity Not Formatted
Free Blocks 736958464
Free Capacity 702.82MB(736.96MB)
Media Type CD-R
ATIP Start Time of Lead In (Media Code) 97m15s17f
ATIP Last Possible Start Time of Lead Out 79m59s70f
Manufacturer Name Ritek Co.
HD-BURN Certified YES
Available Write Descriptor CLV 4000.0x 600000KB
Available Write Descriptor CLV 8000.0x 1200000K
Available Write Descriptor CLV 16000.0x 2400000
Available Write Descriptor CLV 20000.0x 3000000
Available Write Descriptor CLV 24000.0x 3600000
Available Write Descriptor CLV 32000.0x 4800000
Available Write Descriptor CLV 40000.0x 6000000
That's right, RITEK!
First one I burned was a coaster, had a scratch on the burning surface, thousands of C2 errors.
Second one only burned up to 24x speed.
Third one got up to 40x in the last 3 sec. of the burn (Teac 540E).
Then I burned a TY Fuji 48X...no comparison. Everything A-OK with the Japanese stuff. (Although I have to admit I've had 3-4 coasters w/ this TY spindle so far, broke off writing w/ an error message, highly unusual!)
Compared all the above burns w/ Nero CD Speed, there were no errors, but the TY disc is obviously excellent all-round, while the "European" Fuji stuff seems to waver in quality on a disc-by-disc basis. Might return the discs...if you want junk, you shouldn't have to buy Fuji!
Bottom line: Fuji has screwed their "quality" image, at least in Europe!
Moral of the story: Grab those Fuji TYs while you can....