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Best dual format 4x writer all around


Best dual format 4x writer all around

Postby choppedliver on Mon Nov 10, 2003 7:51 pm

Any opinions on this matter? I have yet to see someone put more than 3 drives side by side and compare them on equal footing. Insted Im trying to glean information off separate websites who have reviewed the different drives, but Im not coming up with anything conclusive.

I see that you can get the TDK Indi for cheap with some rebates, but then Anandtech didnt like it too much ( i think it was anandtech). They liked the memorex. Then there is pioneer, optorite, lg, liteon, sond, etc etc, the list goes on.

I am building a pc for my sister and she needs a dvd burner. I thought about 8x, but it seems like immature technology right now.

Any suggestions?
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Re: Best dual format 4x writer all around

Postby Ian on Mon Nov 10, 2003 8:27 pm

choppedliver wrote:I have yet to see someone put more than 3 drives side by side and compare them on equal footing.

Look here:

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Postby aviationwiz on Mon Nov 10, 2003 9:41 pm

The Pioneer A06 is good, but only does DVD+RW at 2.4x. The PX-708A is good, and as an extra bonus, you get 8x DVD+R.
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Postby OC-Freak on Tue Nov 11, 2003 4:45 am

So far I've not seen any drives able to beat the pioneer DVR-106/A06 at write quality and media compatibility.

But the plextor PX-708A is "ok" (not more than ok though) at media compatibility and write quality + you get better speeds and better game-backup abilities, but it do not come cheap ;)
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Postby RJW on Tue Nov 11, 2003 5:49 am

Plextor is more then ok when it comes to writing quality.

The Plextor 708A is very good overall at 4x with good quality media.
This includes the measured HF-signals. Something which K-probe can not meassure. (and which seems to be a problematic points for Lite On DVD burners). On this part of writing quality the drive performs excellent.
Now the overall combination is what counts for writing quality and with this the Plextor shows that's it is right up there with the Pioneer A06.

However keep in mind that I said good quality media.
Since it is true that Plextor -R media support seems to only take time for disc's of the better manufacturers with the bigger names that have proven to make quality.

It looks like Plextor optimising team really looked at the results in some magazines and said okay these disc's are decent manufactured and can be good burnt with quite some recorders. Lets focuss us on this media. -R Media that scored very bad on any level seems to be hardly supported or not to be supported at all.
So for -R media compatability the drive is questionable I agree.

The Pioneer a06 however has supperior media compatability if this drive can not write it then forget about it. However the writing quality remains questionable for low quality disc's, which is of the fact that the media if of extreme poor quality.

Since the Plextor is a 8x drive.The best 4x drive is the Pioneer A06.
I don't think that the price of Plextor is justified when it's costing the allmost same as 2 Pioneer A06.
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Postby treemana on Tue Nov 11, 2003 11:38 am

As a happy Pioneer owner, I'd also recommend the the Pioneer A06. But, you should check out the reviews here before deciding anything.

Although the Pioneer A06 isn't specifically reviewed, the Memorex Dual-Format drive is based on the Pioneer drive. So, the results should be similar. (However, the software bundled with the drives is different.)

Good luck.
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Postby Ian on Tue Nov 11, 2003 11:52 am

The TEAC DV-W50D is also based on the A06. We also have a review of another (yes another) Pioneer based drive in the works (ASUS).
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Postby kennyrocks on Tue Nov 11, 2003 9:24 pm

The PX-708A is good, and as an extra bonus, you get 8x DVD+R. :D
Proud Owner of Two Plextor Premium and One PX-708A Drives..hey me too :D

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Postby choppedliver on Tue Nov 11, 2003 11:18 pm

Ok, well sounds like the pioneer is the one to get. I was interested in it, but didnt see it reviewed. I didnt realize other drives were based on it however. Thanks for the info. The pioneer is one of the best, according to you guys, and its also one of the cheapest online, so that works for me.

If the plextor did 8x on + and - then i might be more interested. i just have a hard time with 100 more for 8x only on +r. I think the whole +/- thing is retarded in the first place but whatever i buy I want it to deal with both formats equally. It reminds me of the beta vs vhs thing only beta vs vhs was much easier to understand. lol.
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Postby dolphinius_rex on Wed Nov 12, 2003 5:17 am

I believe the ASUS DVD burner is probably the cheapest of all the Pioneer A06 OEMs. Be careful though, since I believe that there are two different ASUS drives with similar specs, and only one of them is the Pioneer A06.
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Postby choppedliver on Wed Nov 12, 2003 12:48 pm

does anyone know which dual format 8x will be available first? Is one available now?
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Postby aviationwiz on Wed Nov 12, 2003 6:16 pm

choppedliver wrote:does anyone know which dual format 8x will be available first? Is one available now?

The PX-708A is availible now, and I have it and love it. It does DVD+R at 8x, DVD+RW at 4x, DVD-R at 4x, and DVD-RW and 2x.
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Postby flash on Wed Nov 12, 2003 6:36 pm

choppedliver wrote:
does anyone know which dual format 8x will be available first? Is one available now?

The PX-708A is availible now, and I have it and love it. It does DVD+R at 8x, DVD+RW at 4x, DVD-R at 4x, and DVD-RW and 2x.

I think choppedliver was asking for + and - 8X.
From reading the forums it appears that either the Pioneer A07 could
possibly be release next month and the Memorex is going to be released
about the same time. The Memorex is possibly another Pioneer clone but
as others have pointed out the CDR speeds are different on their respective posted sites. Pioneer 24X VS Memorex 40X.
We will have to wait and see.
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Postby aviationwiz on Wed Nov 12, 2003 9:02 pm

The Memorex I don't think will be another re-badged Pioneer, maybe NEC?

Anyways, for 8x +/- the A07 (300 Euro, $350, OUCH) or the NEC ND-2300A, which should do both at 8x, and should be significantly cheaper are your only choices.
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Postby flash on Wed Nov 12, 2003 9:56 pm

If that will be the true release price for the A07
I think Pioneer will be in for a cold reception.
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Postby choppedliver on Thu Nov 13, 2003 12:27 am

flash, you are correct, i was referring to 8x +/-. But for $350 it will be a cold day in hell before i get one... and at that price it will be a long time before it would come down to a reasonable level... so i guess im gonna either get the pioneer or cough up the extra 70-100 for the plextor.

The plextor would be nice for backing up large amounts of data, because even if its only 8x on +r, thats fine as long as im using the discs with my system and not burning them for use on someone elses.

Thanks for everyones help.
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Postby hoxlund on Thu Nov 13, 2003 1:06 am

Ok guys, as most of you know I work at staples

We just got this drive in today: http://www.tdk.com/dvdburners/indidvd8x.html

Being the kick ass computer department salesperson that I am, they let me open up the box and get a close view of the drive

Everything about the drive just screams Plextor, can anyone confirm this?

If so, im swapping out my Pioneer DVR-106D this friday for it, mainly cause its free for me to do it

And still if so, is there any cracked firmware to make it an official Plextor?
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Postby flash on Thu Nov 13, 2003 1:24 am

I found out from another post that the Best Buy web site is
selling the Pioneer A06 (Retail) for $169 w/$20 rebate it comes
to $149. Like I've been saying you could purchase 2 for less
than the A07 (If that will really be it's price). :D
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Postby hoxlund on Thu Nov 13, 2003 1:27 am

no way, you don't wanna go to that store, go to staples we got em for $169.99 also, and you can buy a replacement plan, you break anything on it, drop it, break tray, everything short of someone stealing it... and we give you full money back within a year

costs i wanna say $24.99 for that

do what i do with em, upgrade to better burner

also if you buy the burner from anywhere, including online, go to any staples and buy the plan
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Postby flash on Thu Nov 13, 2003 2:09 am

I went to Staples web site and they didn't advertise the A06 or
were you refering to the Memorex clone for $169.
I'm not trying to be dishonest but what do you tell them
when you return the drive for an upgrade?
I was just refering to end pricing as being less expensive.
I am an electronics whore when it comes to pricing...whomever
is cheapest gets my business.
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Postby hoxlund on Thu Nov 13, 2003 2:22 am

here is the pioneer clone i have, which i flashed to true Pioneer:

http://www.staples.com/Catalog/Browse/S ... Sku=515451

and im not being dishonost at all, i work at Staples #1348
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Postby flash on Thu Nov 13, 2003 2:31 am

I did not mean to offend you Hoxlund, I was just wondering what
to say if I were to return the drive when it's time to upgrade.
I was just discussing your post with the boss (Wife) and she
agrees that I upgrade my PC numerous times throughout the
year and buying the clone now and upgrading in 3-6 months
is something I usually do. The price difference is ~$45 (w/$25 warranty)which is less of a hit I'll have to take trying to sell a used A06.
Also when you flash your Memorex is it now exactly the A06?
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Postby hoxlund on Thu Nov 13, 2003 2:51 am

yes it is now exactly the DVR-106D, everything sees it as Pioneer DVR-106D

only thing makes it memorex is the label on the drive

i don't say anything when i do it, i just swap it out, cause i work for staples

but for you, just say it doesn't burn dvds anymore, it always errors out, thats more then enough explanation for you

and when it comes time to actually "break" the drive, just flash it wrong, hehe
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Postby flash on Thu Nov 13, 2003 1:24 pm

Bummer. The nearest Staples is over 100 miles away. (We used to have Staples locally?) Like alot of people if the prices are relatively close I prefer the brick and mortar stores.
I'm going to have to pick up the A06 right now from Best Buy.
Thanks for your help Hoxlund.
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Postby hoxlund on Thu Nov 13, 2003 1:33 pm

bought the tdk, burning first 8x dvd+r, sure is nice, but ill stick to 4x dvd-r burning

Wow 8:05 seconds for full Terminator 3 movie burn, this dvd was as full as dvdshrink could get it: 4,465.0 MB

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