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debate over if to wait for price drop


debate over if to wait for price drop

Postby hhp 211 on Mon Nov 10, 2003 5:33 am

well seeing as how I can pick up a Segate Barracuda 120gb H/D @ CompUSA for $60 after MIR, should I wait for the price of Plextor px-708a to drop before I buy one?

How soon do you think it will be before a price drop?

Or @ $206 shipped should I step on up to the plate and get it now?

Or Or Or...
Is it worth spending the extra $50 over buying the Benq DW800a or the Nutek DDW-081 and extra $30 over the Optirite/AccessTek DDD0401?

1. I'm not sure which one(s) will/won't do 8x on 4x media, my brain is pretty fried right now from all the searching on info and I forgot to write that down.

2. The plextor appears to have better software with it also [ correct me if I'm wrong ] which would make it worth the extra jing?

3. Is the Benq's 8mb cache buffer anything to consider in weighing things out?

This forum has been very helpful so far. THANKS 8)
hhp 211
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Postby UALOneKPlus on Mon Nov 10, 2003 5:50 am

It really depends on your need. Prices are ALWAYS dropping.

For example, I purchased the Optorite DD0203 in June for $199. Who knew that in 5 months, the price would be 50%?? :o

However, I don't regret buying my DD0203, because I needed it at the time, to burn home videos of my new born onto DVD+R to share with family. I also picked up a boatload of Fuji DVD+R media at $1 a piece without rebate at the same time, so I really lucked out.

Of course I could have waited 5 months and buy the DD0201 or another cheaper Dual Format DVD burner for much less than what I spent on the DD0203, but then I could always justify waiting.

The prices will continue to fall. If you can afford to wait, then I'd say wait til Q1 2004, when prices should drop for 8X drives much lower, and 8X media will be available, and hopefully 4X media will be less than $1 per disc.

If you need a burner now, it's a great time to buy, because there are lots of good options around that are relatively affordable.
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