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Memorex +RW 4x and maxell +R 4X


Memorex +RW 4x and maxell +R 4X

Postby droiddr on Sat Nov 01, 2003 3:41 am

Hi, I am still a newbie here so bear with me :wink:

I have some memorex 4X +RW that have a media code of : RICOHJPNW11. I assume this is good media. On my burner's recommended media (708A) Ricoh +R/RW media is listed. Is this virtually the same media??? How good did people find the JPNW11 media????

Also my maxell are RICOHJPNR01 same questions as above....

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Postby dolphinius_rex on Sat Nov 01, 2003 4:06 pm

Where did you find Memorex 4x DVD+RWs???? Honestly, I WANT SOME!

I have found the RICOHJPNW11 4x DVD+RWs to be very good (1 came packaged with my LiteON 401s).

I have also been very happy with the RICOHJPNR01 4x DVD+Rs, which can be found in MANY brands, including Sony, TDK, Maxell, Memorex, Ritek, RiData, and Fuji....probably more too!
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Postby Ian on Sat Nov 01, 2003 6:09 pm

dolphinius_rex wrote:Where did you find Memorex 4x DVD+RWs???? Honestly, I WANT SOME!

CompUSA has em.
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Postby aviationwiz on Sat Nov 01, 2003 6:55 pm

Ian wrote:
dolphinius_rex wrote:Where did you find Memorex 4x DVD+RWs???? Honestly, I WANT SOME!

CompUSA has em.

Micro Center also has them.
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Postby dolphinius_rex on Sat Nov 01, 2003 9:32 pm

FutureShop JUST brought them in, I jusrt picked up a 3 pak for $15.00 (Canadian) and they match the 4x DVD+RW that was packaged with my LiteON 401s. This is the first time I've been happy with a memorex purchase in many MANY years!

EDIT: Scratch everything I said above, and see new post below!
Last edited by dolphinius_rex on Sun Nov 02, 2003 12:15 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby vsekh on Sat Nov 01, 2003 9:48 pm

Amazon.com has them also.
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Postby dolphinius_rex on Sun Nov 02, 2003 12:18 am

I've flip flopped my opinion of the Memorex 4x DVD+RWs. I don't know about anyone else, but I've just tried burning one, and it failed the burn process at 2.4x!! It couldn't even get THAT right!. I didn't even try it at 4x yet. So, I've only attempted one burn on one disc so far, but to have it fail at only 30% completed is a pretty bad sign, especially when it is being burned at only 2.4x and not 4x. Of course I'm using the LiteON 401s DVD+RW burner, so maybe it is just the LiteON burned that can't burn them well, or maybe it is a firmware issue. But as for my opinion of Memorex, it is right back where it was 1 day ago!!! :evil:
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Postby aviationwiz on Sun Nov 02, 2003 1:21 am

dolphinius_rex wrote:I've flip flopped my opinion of the Memorex 4x DVD+RWs. I don't know about anyone else, but I've just tried burning one, and it failed the burn process at 2.4x!! It couldn't even get THAT right!. I didn't even try it at 4x yet. So, I've only attempted one burn on one disc so far, but to have it fail at only 30% completed is a pretty bad sign, especially when it is being burned at only 2.4x and not 4x. Of course I'm using the LiteON 401s DVD+RW burner, so maybe it is just the LiteON burned that can't burn them well, or maybe it is a firmware issue. But as for my opinion of Memorex, it is right back where it was 1 day ago!!! :evil:

This Memorex 4x DVD+RW media rocks. You may have gotten a lemon disk, or it could be the LDW-401S (I haven't really heard promising things about it's DVD Burning Capabilities, esepcially from you)
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Postby aviationwiz on Sun Nov 02, 2003 1:53 am


Check the Media Code. It appears that some of the Memorex 4x DVD+RW disks are now being made by CMC.

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Postby DonBerg on Sun Nov 02, 2003 3:02 am

I tested the new Memorex 4x DVD+RW discs but it fails with the Optorite DVD drive since it only supports 2.4x speed, perhaps a firmware update would allow it to work but there is no newer versions than last August. The Memorex 2.4x DVD+Rw discs work fine, as do Imation which is also Ricoh. The Memorex 4x DVD+R works great and is also Ricoh. I've gotten it for $1.20/disc when CompUSA or Best Buy have 40% off Memorex media sales.
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Postby dolphinius_rex on Sun Nov 02, 2003 5:19 pm

The Media ID code is: RICOHJPNW11 the same as the disc that came packaged with my drive. I've tried the same disc twice now at 2.4x, and it has failed both times. I'm going to try another disc next time.
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Postby aviationwiz on Sun Nov 02, 2003 5:20 pm

See if you can get your hands on some TDK 4x DVD+RW, I think they sell them...
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Postby dolphinius_rex on Mon Nov 03, 2003 1:44 am

Futureshop (at least the one near my place) doesn't sell TDK... hrm, I'll look for them though. thanks!

By the way, Memorex 4x DVD+RW #2 is able to burn at 2.4x, I'll check to see if it can handle 4x later.
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Postby droiddr on Tue Nov 04, 2003 9:47 pm

Thanks for the replies guys.

I think that as long as the media is RICOH made, they will probably work well with a lot of people.

I went back to futureshop (where I bought them) and bought 2 more 3 packs. If they are still RICOH I will keep them of course. The other brands I saw were all 2.4x. I would rather use 4X +RW only with my new 708A, as long as the media is good.

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Postby casey on Wed Nov 05, 2003 3:12 pm

LG 4040
I'm sticking to my Verbatim 4x +R & 4x -R TYuden made, simply fantastic ! 34 burns to date, ZERO problems.
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