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Plextor 708A TLA#


Plextor 708A TLA#

Postby monopoly on Mon Oct 27, 2003 2:13 pm

My first post here - so Hi. I am not a novice to the PC world but new to the DVD Burning era. I have frequented this forum for some time and more often recently since my 708A purchase. I remember when the TLA# was a big deal in the days of the Plex 1210TS (SCSI).

I got my 1st 708A in August. It came with FW 1.01 and a TLA#0000. It arrived DOA on the CD side. Rubin at Plextor commented that those "early drives were having a Fab problem" - NewEgg took back the drive and sent me a new one that arrived in mid September.

The 2nd arrival had a FW of 1.01 and a TLA# 0001 - but alas, it had the could not write at 8X on Verbatim DVD+R greater than 4X and hung on RIHOHJPN01 media (Memorex and TDK) at 8X near the end of the write session - then would complete the session and the burn at about 15 minutes of waiting. It was flashed to FW 1.02 without joy.

So, another call to Rubin at Plextor who again commented that yes, there were problems (again) with that Fab also (knowing my prior purchases and also problems with this 708A).

He arranged for me to be sent another (new) drive which arrived and came with a TLA# 0002 and had FW 1.02.

Joy finally arrived and I can burn all DVD+R 4X (certified) media I can throw at it - at 8X. I use Memorex, Verbatim and TDK (100) Spindle media.

My point is this: This drive has a TLA# 0002 Dated September 2003. It was like night and day from the other two models that arrived that were hesitant and unsure of their writes. Whereas this drive seems aggressive and immediate. I may not even upgrade to the FW 1.03 unless I get a glitch in the future.

I am wondering if Plex jumped the market with earlier (and inferior) Fabrication/Manufacturing Points (hench the TLA#s) or does the TLA signify considerable hardware revisions also?

From what I have gathered, the original Fabs are no longer being used.

Anyone wish to comment on this?

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Postby VEFF on Mon Oct 27, 2003 2:22 pm

The hanging - and maybe other - issues you experienced must have only been under certain circumstances (be it media, burning software type and version, OS, motherboard chip model or some other factor), because I didn't have the issues you mentioned.
This is even though one of my two 708A drives was from the very first batch (TLA # 0000) and has been working fine even with early firmares.

The only problem I had with my drives was slowdown with some Memorex discs when burning 4X-rated media at 8X.
This was with Nero and Stomp RecordNow Max 4.5

In any case, I am glad you got it all sorted out :)
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Postby Ian on Mon Oct 27, 2003 3:38 pm

So Plextor is already at TLA #0002? That was quick.

Stupid question for you monopoly.. what country was your drive manufactured in? Japan or China?
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Postby bob11879 on Mon Oct 27, 2003 3:39 pm

The TLA (Top level assy) number reflects hardware and firmware revisions. TLA 0000 was hardware rev 00 and firmware rev 1.00. TLA 0001 was firmware 1.01, 0002 was firmware 1.02, etc. 0101 would be hardware rev 1 and firmware rev 1.01. Your 0001 TLA when flashed to fw1.02 is the exact same drive as the TLA 0002. Your problems were most likely with the media. Plextor doesn't guarantee 8x with all 4x media, only 8x with 4x media that tests good in the drive before writing. If the disc quality is poor after starting, it will drop to 4x write. Disc quality can vary from lot to lot or disc to disc.
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708A problem TLA#0001 Sept, 2003 from dell.com

Postby shimman on Mon Oct 27, 2003 4:10 pm


i also had to rma 708a with tla#0001 with 1.01 firmware mfged on sept, 2003.

main problem with the drive is the error correction ability and cdr compatability; i did not even tried burning.

this drive could not read opened audio cds, some multi-sessioned cdrs, and most somewhat scratched cdrs that other cdrw(sony crx220 liteonit ltr52327s and samsung's old dvd could read without any problem)

i ran and accrossed one jap guy's webpage with 708a reviews; that guy bought two 708a retails; one made in china another made in japan

i think both had 0000 in tla#s and it was hooked up using ide to firewire converter; but 4x was fine but 8x could not be done according to the webpage

anyway, the japan part had a jumper on the circuit board that the china part did not.

see for yourself
http://members.jcom.home.ne.jp/32327678 ... china1.jpg
http://members.jcom.home.ne.jp/32327678 ... japan1.jpg

i am totally disappointed with 708a; now i am using 4040b from lg, and i am satisfied; it has really fast ripping speed with good error correction ability as lg is known for; very quiet

my recommendation: avoid it; wait for issue free(or near free) 8x coming in few month or buy good drive like 4040b
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Postby VEFF on Mon Oct 27, 2003 4:56 pm

Regarding the last post:

I am sorry to hear about your disappointment.
Most people seem to be happy with their 708A drives, and Ian did a comprehensive review and gave it a 10 after the pretty thorough testing that he does for all his drives.

I have not had a single burn fail, and all the discs read perfectly on my home DVD players.
NOTE: I can only comment on DVD+R and +RW writing, since I have only used my 708 drives to burn DVD+R and +RW.
I will eventually burn some of my 2X Fuji DVD-Rs etc.
I do not intend to burn CD media or read any media with the drive, simply because I have much cheaper (some free after rebate or almost free) drives for that.
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Postby monopoly on Mon Oct 27, 2003 6:17 pm

@ Ian,
I believe they are all from China.

Hmmm, I can understand that IF it is true, but my first drive was a TLA#0000 and came with a FW1.01.

I am using the same media now that I was in the beginning. It just simply is a better burning drive than the earlier ones.
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Postby bob11879 on Tue Oct 28, 2003 3:20 pm

I've heard it from a number of sources that the first two digits are the hardware level, the last two digits the firmware level at the assembly line. If the drive was updated somewhere along the way, i.e. new firmware was released at the factory after the drive was manufactured, then they may have updated the firmware but not gone to the trouble of updating the label. Some resellers will also flash with the current firmware and then repackage so that the user gets the most current version.
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Postby shimman on Tue Oct 28, 2003 9:57 pm

thanks for reply VEFF

whether it can be resolved using "cheap" drives or not, it is certainly an issue, can be a big surprise for mini form factor pc like my shuttle.

an excellent review should address potential issues to readers, i like the review of 708a, but it fell a bit short of being an excellent review because it fail to address issues i am having

i wish cdrlabs add after math; gethering issues from users and comfirming thoses issues and possible work around

708a reminds me of iwill's kk266 socket a motherboard; an excellent overclocker, yet with so many issues; it turned out that my kk266 was abanduned by iwill; i hope plextor is better than iwill

thanks for the forum cdrlabs!
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Postby oldfartjc on Wed Oct 29, 2003 1:05 am

THe only problem I have had with my 708a TLA 0000 made in China, now at Firmware 1.03 was with Memorex 4X DVD+R discs. It has burned everything and read everything from CD-R's to DVD's except for Memorex 4X.
Funny I have two Iwill KK266 motherboards running in my wife's system and my son's system and no issues at all. In fact my son's was my main system till I upgraded 10 months ago. I don't know what issues you are talking about. I know of several others running this same board on my recomendation and all have been running great for over 2 1/2 years. I'm glad my 708a runs as well as my Iwill KK266's do.
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Postby monopoly on Wed Oct 29, 2003 10:25 pm

Please realize that comments made by shimman regarding a kk266 really have nothing to do with the plextor TLA# Topic.

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Postby Bhairav on Thu Oct 30, 2003 12:30 am

monopoly wrote:Please realize that comments made by shimman regarding a kk266 really have nothing to do with the plextor TLA# Topic.


So? He's relating a positive experience. He's allowed to do that, you know :roll:
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Postby Winchet on Fri Oct 31, 2003 7:28 pm

Hey Guys, just got my new PX-708A back from RMA and it is TLA#0102 already. October 2003 Made in China. JFYI
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