My first post here - so Hi. I am not a novice to the PC world but new to the DVD Burning era. I have frequented this forum for some time and more often recently since my 708A purchase. I remember when the TLA# was a big deal in the days of the Plex 1210TS (SCSI).
I got my 1st 708A in August. It came with FW 1.01 and a TLA#0000. It arrived DOA on the CD side. Rubin at Plextor commented that those "early drives were having a Fab problem" - NewEgg took back the drive and sent me a new one that arrived in mid September.
The 2nd arrival had a FW of 1.01 and a TLA# 0001 - but alas, it had the could not write at 8X on Verbatim DVD+R greater than 4X and hung on RIHOHJPN01 media (Memorex and TDK) at 8X near the end of the write session - then would complete the session and the burn at about 15 minutes of waiting. It was flashed to FW 1.02 without joy.
So, another call to Rubin at Plextor who again commented that yes, there were problems (again) with that Fab also (knowing my prior purchases and also problems with this 708A).
He arranged for me to be sent another (new) drive which arrived and came with a TLA# 0002 and had FW 1.02.
Joy finally arrived and I can burn all DVD+R 4X (certified) media I can throw at it - at 8X. I use Memorex, Verbatim and TDK (100) Spindle media.
My point is this: This drive has a TLA# 0002 Dated September 2003. It was like night and day from the other two models that arrived that were hesitant and unsure of their writes. Whereas this drive seems aggressive and immediate. I may not even upgrade to the FW 1.03 unless I get a glitch in the future.
I am wondering if Plex jumped the market with earlier (and inferior) Fabrication/Manufacturing Points (hench the TLA#s) or does the TLA signify considerable hardware revisions also?
From what I have gathered, the original Fabs are no longer being used.
Anyone wish to comment on this?