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Is Ritek media the best for the price?


Is Ritek media the best for the price?

Postby ricrat on Sun Oct 26, 2003 12:26 pm

I've been told that this DVD-Rs are the best for the money. What exper-
ience have you had? I leaning towards getting the full-version Pioneer
106 with a new system.
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Postby dolphinius_rex on Sun Oct 26, 2003 3:22 pm

I would say, excluding rebate situations, that yes, Ritek is the best quality for the price.

The Pioneer 106 is a good drive, and won't let you down. The Optorite DD0203 is also a good drive :D
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Is Ritek media the best for the price?

Postby ricrat on Sun Oct 26, 2003 3:43 pm

Thank you for your input. I'm thinking of buying a 25-pack to see how the
Pioneer likes it.
One person I trade with has 35 of them and burns 4000+/week but the
media he sold me ($1.10/disc) has too many errors!. I'm using the
Panasonic E80H.
How is the Pioneer on CD burning?
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Postby Scour on Sun Oct 26, 2003 7:17 pm


I think it depends on the writer.

I had many CD-R´s from Ritek, and the quality is sometimes completely different, from real bad to excellent
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Postby CowboySlim on Sun Oct 26, 2003 7:40 pm

Was the Yugo the best car for the price? I dunno', sometimes you just get what you paid for. :P
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Postby RJW on Mon Oct 27, 2003 6:35 am

dolphinius_rex wrote:I would say, excluding rebate situations, that yes, Ritek is the best quality for the price.

The Pioneer 106 is a good drive, and won't let you down. The Optorite DD0203 is also a good drive :D

When there G04 hit the market it was great price/quality rateing however today G04 media shows huge differnces. That is partially because of the bad quality controle of Primedisc(RITEK + Philips german production plant) and the fact that a large shipment of media which officially was supposed to be destroyed has slipped on the market. The slipped batches are claimed as illegal/pirated media by Ritek.

Second point is that I wouldn't be that enthousiast about Ritek after the synthetic ageing tests I have seen. (At the same level as CMC !)

Personally I want also to be able to use my discs's over 3 years and the synthetic tests show up that problems are be there.
For that reason I would slightly pay the extra costs of MCC, Ricoh, TY, Maxell manufactured media.
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Postby dolphinius_rex on Mon Oct 27, 2003 11:20 am

Unfortunatly, you can't easily get any of that media here in Canada without paying a MAJOR premium! Heck, I work for one of Canada's biggest Maxell distributors and I still get dinged pretty bad if I want to buy Maxell DVDs! The only cheap maxell DVDs are the illegal ones with the pirated ID code! :(

The only Ricoh discs I've seen are the DVD+Rs, and those are really made by Ritek I believe anyways.

I haven't seen any T.Y. discs, unless they are still under the fuji name, in which case they are MASSIVELY over priced as well :( and VERY difficult to find too!

MCC is easier to find under Verbatim Datalife Plus, but again, the price is crazy compared to Ritek.

It's pretty sad, but I can buy 2 or 3 pieces of Ritek media for the same price as 1 of any of the above mentioned DVDs!
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Postby RJW on Mon Oct 27, 2003 12:22 pm

Yes a lot of ricoh media is made by Ritek.
However it uses the ricoh dye and ricoh quality controle which makes a huge difference. (The DVD-R disc's Ritek makes are based on Riteks own technology.) And yes Ricoh is only DVD+R because there one of the inventors of it and really think +R will win. (Just like Philips) With -r Ricoh would have to pay Pioneer which they think is a quite bad idea.

Not all companies are betting on 2 horses like MCC does.
On one hand MCC is in the +R side with there co-development of dual-layer. BUt on the other hand there on the -r side with there new specially designed -R stamper which will make it easier to make good -r disc's.

Fuji is selling some TY media but also own made media.

So it means that you buy 3 ritek disc's. Still if we count the times there media lasts up for 3 disc's and compare it to the other media. Then we can conclude that 3 disc's are gone while the other still remains.
So if the 3 disc's are still value for money I don't know.
For archiveing I would clearly not recommend Ritek and CMC media.
Still they might be fine for a quick storage.

You really don't want pirated Maxell stuff. This stuff is as bad as Princo.
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