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The First thing to do!

Postby Stelios on Sun Oct 26, 2003 1:04 am


What is the first thing you shoud check (before actually burning a DVD) when you get a blank DVD media, to find out if it's OK to burn?
I do have the DVDINFOPro tool.

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Postby burninfool on Sun Oct 26, 2003 1:09 am

What are you burning data or video?
If video use UDF 1.02,visit www.doom9.org or www.dvdrhelp.com for guides.If data use ISO 9660 or UDF 1.02,it will be readable on most Windows,MAC or Linux computers.
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Postby integspec on Mon Oct 27, 2003 1:48 am


What you would like to burn? Well, if your media has data already, chances are the burning app would let you know immediately. But if it has a small session with enough free area to write your new compliation then it's possible overwrite the old session or add to it. All these depend on the app you are using and how it's configured.

Do you have access to someone who is good with burning and other pc issues? Well the reason I ask is, if you could get a such an experience then you can easily build up on the information available from doom9, dvdrhelp and other sites. Nowadays howtos and articles will teach anything from scracth, but nothing can beat someone showing you the ropes. Not to mention the the help you can get from all the nice people here.

HTH, Cheers.
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Postby Stelios on Mon Oct 27, 2003 3:04 am


Thanks for the info. I mainly use the blank DVDs to backup movies. The reason that I ask is that you get lately so many brands and some of them according to your DVD writer (web site) should, theoretically, be OK but sometimes you get a bunch that has not passed the quality control and this results in messing up your writing. I know that you can get all the various graphs from testing sites, but I thought that it might be a simple test you can do before you ruin a blank DVD.

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Postby integspec on Wed Oct 29, 2003 12:06 am

Always enable the pretest before burn in the burner software (eg: simulation in Nero). Other than this I'm not aware of any other software. Otherwise before you buy a lot you can buy 1 or 2 as samples, do a burn and run some post burn tests.

Let's wait and see anyone else could give us a better suggestion.

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