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Lite-On Software

Postby pkd7423 on Sun Oct 26, 2003 3:40 pm

To all,

Hate to be a dum dum....but what software to I need to load to burn CD's and DVD's with my Lite-On LDW-411S?

I got two distribution's with my drive:

CyberLink PowerDVD XP 4.0 and Sonic MyDVD 4.0.

I thought Nero or Roxio came with it? I got Nero with my Yamaha CD burner.

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Postby burninfool on Sun Oct 26, 2003 4:46 pm

PowerDVD is for watching VCD,SVCD or DVD.MyDVD will author video and is ok for VCD but stinks for DVD.I use RecordNow or NTI CD maker for everything but you might try this freeware app. at www.burnatonce.com
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Postby integspec on Mon Oct 27, 2003 12:03 am

Nero is the app of choice for most of the burners. When trying out different software use an RW media instead of R media, so at least you can save the media if something goes wrong. There are possibilities that drive/burner app results migh vary depending on R or RW but hence you are trying out for the first time you got nothing to lose anyway.

Good luck and happy burning.
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