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anyone hear of SwatIt ?

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anyone hear of SwatIt ?

Postby dodecahedron on Fri Oct 24, 2003 11:02 pm

has anyone heard of SwatIt ?

supposedly, the program scans the hard drive for Trojans, Worms, Bots and other Hacker programs.

is it any good?
is it known/reputable throughout the community?
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Postby BurninMan921 on Sat Oct 25, 2003 12:41 pm

I haven't heard of that one before. Best to be cautious. Use Spybot Search And Destroy (http://spybot.eon.net.au/)...it's the best :)
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Postby dodecahedron on Sat Oct 25, 2003 12:55 pm

i'm very familiar with Spybot - Search & Destroy.
you're right - it's the best!
i run it, and check for updates, very (extremely!) frequently.

my question is: what kind of Bots does SpybotSD look/check for?
i was under the impression that it's for AdBots, SpywareBots and the like - more commercial-oriented Bots, rather than the kind of Bots hackers use to infitrate your computer and exploit it.

i don't really know - maybe i'm wrong? maybe there's no difference at all between the two kinds of Bots i've described?
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Postby BurninMan921 on Sat Oct 25, 2003 11:14 pm

Your antivirus software should catch any thing that a hacker would plant on your system, since it'd basically be a virus. Most hacker exploits though are either ActiveX junk or just software they run on their machine to try and find any security holes in your firewall. And of course, Windows is full of 'em :evil:
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