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The DVD PLUS logo (RW) is very confusing on +R discs


The DVD PLUS logo (RW) is very confusing on +R discs

Postby daveg2541 on Fri Oct 24, 2003 12:45 pm

I was with a PC technican friend last night and his boss rang him saying
they had just received a shipment of blank DVDs and the invoice said they were PLUS R but when they looked at the discs it had RW on them.
and he wanted to know which one's they had.

I explained to my friend that the DVD PLUS group Logo is RW and I showed him the http://www.dvdplusrw.org/media/dvdplusr_media.html site where they have photos of different +R media and you can clearly see the +R discs and also the RW on it as well (the logo has a tiny section of the R missing but most people never notice it means it's the logo)

So my friend rang his boss and forwarded the link so he could see for himself. So if the PLUS_RW group is so smart how come they choose such a Dumb Logo !!!

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Postby dolphinius_rex on Fri Oct 24, 2003 1:07 pm


I wish the DVD +RW alliance had thought ahead when they created their logo. Of course the DVD+RW came before the DVD+R... but still, they should have planned for it!
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Postby dodecahedron on Fri Oct 24, 2003 1:55 pm

there is a small "DVD+R" or "DVD+ReWritable" at the bottom of the logo.

Image Image

i guess it's easy to miss it.
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