6 files: Dummy.class, RunString.class, Parser.class inside a zipfile, and 3 more files with same names inside another zipfile.
both zips were at:
D:\Documents and Settings\<user>\Application Data\Sun\Java\Deployment\cache\javapi\v1.0\jar\<infected zipfile>.
same thing in the previous (first) time - infected zipfile at the same location.
1. why didn't Norton AntiVirus catch it when the file was loaded into the computer? (the virii were detected during a manual scan of the entire computer, not by a running detection service).
2. what's up with this Java getting infected?
i installed Sun Java a while ago (can't remember why), obviously these two infections happened after. what's up with that? is Sun Java more susceptible? never had a virus before (when apprently was using MS Java).
in IE -> Tools -> Internet Options -> Advanced, under Java (Sun) i have Use Java 2 v1.4.2 for <applet> checkmarked. under Microsoft VM i have JIT compiler for virtual machine enabled checked. as far as i understand both Sun and MS are active?
should i dispose of Sun Java? how exacly do i do this?
should i diable the Use Java 2 v1.4.2 for <applet> in IE and then uninstall Java 2 Runtime Environment, SE v1.4.2 from the control panel)? anything else needs to be done to enable MS Java?
in the Tools -> ... under Microsoft VM there are two more checkboxes marked Java console enabled and Java logging enabled. currently unchecked. should i check them?
any assistance welcome