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Anyone know anything about Nu-Tech drives?


United Micro

Postby BoogieBlues on Tue Oct 21, 2003 4:04 am


You might want to spend a few dollars more somewhere else this company has a pretty bad rating.....Big John
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Postby OC-Freak on Tue Oct 21, 2003 4:15 am

NU Tek: Only Lite-On DVD-Writers will report the correct amount of errors.

Lite-On combo drives and DVD-ROM's won't report the correct amount of errors!
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Postby NUT ek on Tue Oct 21, 2003 6:16 am

OC-Freak wrote:NU Tek: Only Lite-On DVD-Writers will report the correct amount of errors.

Lite-On combo drives and DVD-ROM's won't report the correct amount of errors!

Umm you may have a point there OC-Freak I just spoke to my m8 with the liteon burner and he came back with this for the previous request from:
bhairavp wrote:NuTek, what were the KProbe read speeds used? Set it to 4X CLV, 'cos I think that's what OC-Freak and Ian recommend.

He replied:

"After some looking into kprobe, there IS no means to run 4x CLV tests on it... "

So I believe the test was run @ 1X

btw he was refering to the latest kProbe :)

However I did run some write strategy tests with some cheap DVD+R media I got and u can run the test but as you say it may not give the correct results :( since I am no expert I will leave it up to you.....

But what I can say is, using the best available media will make most burners shine imho.
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Postby RJW on Tue Oct 21, 2003 8:36 am

OC-Freak wrote:NU Tek: Only Lite-On DVD-Writers will report the correct amount of errors.

Lite-On combo drives and DVD-ROM's won't report the correct amount of errors!

Hmm if it is out the thing K-probe is given back then yes only use Lite On DVD-writers.

Still it's a question if even these give a correct amount of errors compared to profesional analyzers usseing the Pulstec SDP-1000 drive.
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Postby Murse on Tue Oct 21, 2003 3:43 pm

http://www.anandtech.com should be posting a review of this drive in the next couple of days.
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Postby Ian on Tue Oct 21, 2003 4:00 pm

Murse wrote:http://www.anandtech.com should be posting a review of this drive in the next couple of days.

Another "world's first" I imagine.
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Postby aviationwiz on Tue Oct 21, 2003 4:12 pm

OC-Freak wrote:NU Tek: Only Lite-On DVD-Writers will report the correct amount of errors.

Lite-On combo drives and DVD-ROM's won't report the correct amount of errors!

There is no proof that Lite-On DVD Burners are the only ones that correctly report errors, this is pure speculation.
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Postby Ian on Tue Oct 21, 2003 4:18 pm

If I remember right, there was a German mag that did some tests and said that the DVD writer was more accurate. I think MediumRare posted that info. I could be wrong though.
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Postby cfitz on Tue Oct 21, 2003 5:16 pm

Ian wrote:If I remember right, there was a German mag that did some tests and said that the DVD writer was more accurate. I think MediumRare posted that info. I could be wrong though.

I believe you are mistaken. MediumRare was with me regarding this matter the last time it came up for discussion. We both feel that there is, as of yet, no evidence one way or the other regarding the relative accuracy of Lite-On DVD burners and DVD-ROM drives when it comes to measuring PI/PO errors.

It is true that combo and DVD-ROM drives are less accurate than CD-RW burners when it comes to measuring C1/C2 errors. That is because they measure C1/C2 errors in cooked mode. But the only thing we can say about PI/PO measuring is that DVD burners and DVD-ROM drives will give different results. For any given DVD disc, sometimes a DVD burner will report higher errors than a DVD-ROM drive, and sometimes it will report lower errors. But there is no way to say one or the other is more correct. For all we know both are correct, and the different results simply reflect the different reading characteristics of the two drives and their preferences/tolerances for different media types.

One thing that does make the DVD burners more useful for PI/PO testing is that they can test at a variety of reading speeds that the DVD-ROM drives can't.

As for MediumRare's summary of the German magazine article, I think you are recalling this post:


Note that the article did not even mention DVD-ROM drives, let alone test any, so no conclusions about DVD-ROM drives can be drawn from this article.

In a somewhat related topic, I don't know if anyone has done any comparisons to see how accurate the Lite-On DVD burners are at measuring C1/C2 errors.

And finally, always keep in mind that these tools are best for making relative comparisons of burn quality, and any absolute error levels reported from these tools should be taken with a grain of salt.

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Postby Ian on Tue Oct 21, 2003 6:18 pm

Thanks cfitz. :wink:
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Postby cfitz on Tue Oct 21, 2003 6:26 pm

You're welcome.

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Postby MediumRare on Tue Oct 21, 2003 7:32 pm

cfitz wrote:We both feel that there is, as of yet, no evidence one way or the other regarding the relative accuracy of Lite-On DVD burners and DVD-ROM drives when it comes to measuring PI/PO errors.

That's right.

I actually asked the author of the c't article about this (testing with DVD-Rom drive). He didn't answer the question but did pass on some additional information that may be useful here: Although KProbe and AudioDev didn't always agree on the level of errors, there was never a case where one showed the disc to be OK and the other indicated a high error level. Conclusion: KProbe is OK for testing relative quality. Also, the LiteOn drive wasn't able to hold 1x speed for a measurement as required by the norm. Speed changes then resulted in steps in the error curve which are measurement artifacts. I think he meant the LDW-401S here though.

I think OCFreak made some remarks on testing with DVD-Rom drives, but I haven't seen a systematic comparison either.

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Postby NUT ek on Tue Oct 21, 2003 9:11 pm

Murse wrote:I'm also really interested in this drive. As soon as anyone sees a review or other info, please post it. I would specifically like to know if Quanta is going to enable bitsetting in their firmware.

A little more info on the drives here:


From what I can see I believe this drive can do bitsetting coz when I have a look in DVDInfoPro and hit the +RW tab it allows me to change the BookTypes DVD+RW, DVD+R, DVD-RW, DVD-R and DVD-ROM, even though it states its for "Ricoh Type Drives Only", I had a friend look @ this and he believes that it does do bitsetting as well :)

Im still waiting on a review to substantiate all this as I have very little experience in these matters. But hey, I love learning...

How can I prove that it can do bitsetting? Is there a way to prove this...anyone?

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Postby jsl on Wed Oct 22, 2003 3:13 am

If you click the "Media Information" button in DVDInfoPro you should see the book type the disc has. Try a different setting for a DVD+RW disc and see if it changes.
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Postby RJW on Wed Oct 22, 2003 3:54 am

In a somewhat related topic, I don't know if anyone has done any comparisons to see how accurate the Lite-On DVD burners are at measuring C1/C2 errors.

Infact we hardly know at the moment how good K-probe is working at C1/C2 level. So far only comparisons have been made between different Lite On's and Plextor Premium. The plex premium was tested against a Audiodev cats analyzer. However the article was focused on the overall quality measureing aspects

So first stop is to find out how good it is.
And I'm trying. there is a good change if my Lite On burner isn't screwed up yet.(Haveing quite some problems last weeks with burning media)

If it's not the drive then I might be able to test the following:

Plex Premium Vs CDA-3000 (Semi profesional Analyzer) Vs K-probe/CD Docter (DVD / 48246S). Also Nero CD SPEED new version with error analyzing ability will be compared. A comparision between the score rateing system of Nero vs the CDA-3000 should be possible.

If things work out excellent then DVD testing comparision might be the next option. We first want to see how this one turns out.
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Postby NUT ek on Wed Oct 22, 2003 4:41 am

jsl wrote:If you click the "Media Information" button in DVDInfoPro you should see the book type the disc has. Try a different setting for a DVD+RW disc and see if it changes.

k I tried that and it comes up with "Error, Drive does not support bitsetting" "Error. May not be a Ricoh drive":(

Thanx anything else you want me to try, I think some future firmware may be in order but until then I will have to wait;)
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kProbe results on Verbatim 4x+R media cooked by DDW-081 @ 8X

Postby ala42 on Wed Oct 22, 2003 10:30 am

NUT ek wrote:I just spoke to my m8 with the liteon burner and he came back with this for the previous request from:
bhairavp wrote:NuTek, what were the KProbe read speeds used? Set it to 4X CLV, 'cos I think that's what OC-Freak and Ian recommend.

He replied: "After some looking into kprobe, there IS no means to run 4x CLV tests on it... "

There is :). Set the speed to 4x and uncheck the 'Max' button. During the test you should have a look at the 'Current Spd' field. You will see that it will be 4x for the whole disk.
So I believe the test was run @ 1X

No, it was not. As you can see in the text above the kprobe graph the speed was set to 'max'. On the Liteon DVD burner this means CAV, for DVD+R media this is 2.7x at the inner and 6.3x at the outer part of the disk. What you can not see is which ECC Sum was chosen, so make shure you select 'PI/PO Sum 8' when testing.
Btw.: The graph is one of the best I have ever seen.
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Postby dhc014 on Wed Oct 22, 2003 8:43 pm

I haven't had a chance to play with the drive yet, but it appears to have changed the book-type to DVD-ROM for a DVD+R disc burned as a DVD-Video in Nero.
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Postby Murse on Wed Oct 22, 2003 10:58 pm

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Postby Ian on Wed Oct 22, 2003 11:25 pm

I really wish they would include actual writing times instead of average writing speeds. Not a lot of read testing either.

Oh well.. my drive will be here tomorrow.
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Postby Bhairav on Thu Oct 23, 2003 12:03 am

The single format drive or the dual-format?
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Postby Murse on Thu Oct 23, 2003 1:52 am

I just received the latest firmware from QSI (the Taiwan time difference is pretty handy sometimes :)) If someone needs it, let me know. Or, better yet, if someone can host it, I will send it along.

Here is the text included with the e-mail:

"The BX0308 still not support Mt. Rainier. Because there are some bugs
still at debugging.
The BX03 and BX02 have most different:
1. 40X CDR writing support
2. More DVD/CD recordable medium support
3. Booktype (bit setting) support
4. Manufacture run-in yield rate improved
5. More... You can refer to this end of email.
Pls try it!"
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Postby jsl on Thu Oct 23, 2003 3:45 am

Anandtech's review was really bad. It looks like he has mixed the rated speed of the media completely:

MCC.....002 is only 4x media, not 8x, hence the drive is capable of writing in 8x on 4x media which claims several times that it isn't.

RICOHJPNR00 is only 2.4x media, not 4x, so either he has mixed the Imation and Fujifilm media or the drive wrote to 2.4x media in 4x and to 4x media in 2.4x...
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Postby NUT ek on Thu Oct 23, 2003 4:21 am

Murse wrote:I just received the latest firmware from QSI (the Taiwan time difference is pretty handy sometimes :)) If someone needs it, let me know. Or, better yet, if someone can host it, I will send it along.

Here is the text included with the e-mail:

"The BX0308 still not support Mt. Rainier. Because there are some bugs
still at debugging.
The BX03 and BX02 have most different:
1. 40X CDR writing support
2. More DVD/CD recordable medium support
3. Booktype (bit setting) support
4. Manufacture run-in yield rate improved
5. More... You can refer to this end of email.
Pls try it!"

give it to me, give it to me.... Hey Murse I have pm'd you ;)
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Postby NUT ek on Thu Oct 23, 2003 4:53 am

Taken fromm Comments AnandTech review....
"#1: We did not have a verbatim disk included. We have a 4X DVD+RW instead. Remember, we had a review sample so ours might have been slightly different. We had to upgrade from QSI firmware just to bring ours to spec with the retail drives.

#2: DiskInfo, kind of a neat utlity, claimed the MMC 02 disk is capable of 4X and 8X.

I uploaded the firmware for anyone who wants to download it. Its on the last page of the article.



Here are the links.......

http://images.anandtech.com/banners/Ana ... 1-BX03.zip

http://images.anandtech.com/banners/Ana ... -Power.zip
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