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Sony Announces Two New 8x Dual RW Drives


Sony Announces Two New 8x Dual RW Drives

Postby Ian on Sun Oct 19, 2003 7:37 pm


Fully Recordable DVD Can Now be Burned in About Ten Minutes

SAN JOSE, Calif., October 20, 2003 - Sony Electronics today announced two new Dual RW DVD drives that support 8X DVD+R recording.

Its latest duo of high-speed burners underlines Sony's DVD drive ingenuity and market leadership. In fact, The NPD Group ranked Sony number one (based on dollar market share) for DVD burner sales in the combined U.S. retail and reseller markets during August 2003.

Sony's award-winning Dual RW drives, which started shipping a year ago this month, were the PC industry's first combination drives to support the DVD+RW, DVD+R, DVD-RW and DVD-R formats. Speed takes center stage with Sony's fourth-generation Dual RW drives - the internal DRU-530A and the external DRX-530UL - which are capable of recording to compatible DVD+R discs at speeds of up to 8X, enabling users to burn an entire 8X DVD+R disc in about ten minutes.

The new drives also support up to 4X DVD+RW and DVD-R recording, as well as 2X DVD-RW, 40X CD-R and 24X CD-RW recording, making them among the fastest and most proficient on the market.

"Sony is the pioneer of dual-format DVD drives," said Robert DeMoulin, marketing manager for branded storage products in Sony Electronics' IT Products Division. "While others are only just now introducing dual-format DVD drives, we have released our fourth generation of Dual RW burners. With the new 530 models, we are continuing to provide consumers and businesses the utmost in recording functionality and playback."

According to IDC, with an expanding consumer and professional appetite for high-capacity applications, stand-alone and PC-attached DVD recorder purchases are expected to grow from five million in 2002 to 19 million in 2003, a more than-threefold increase over last year. IDC further anticipates that the DVD recorder market will grow to over 100 million units in 2006, including over 60 million PC DVD burners.

"DVD recording is at the threshold of mass adoption with consumers in the U.S.," said Wolfgang Schlichting, Research Director for Removable Storage at IDC. "DVD burners are appealing primarily to consumers who are looking to upgrade the multimedia capabilities of their computers, but also to commercial users looking to improve their backup systems."

A popular application for Sony's Dual RW DVD drives is transferring VHS tapes to DVD (a tutorial on this process can be found at www.sony.com/dvdburners). They are also ideal for recording and distributing corporate training programs, which can save a company the expense of having a large number of employees travel to headquarters for training.

The internal DRU-530A drive comes with an ATAPI interface for easy installation inside a PC, while the external DRX-530UL drive includes both an i.LINK® (IEEE 1394) and a hi-speed USB (USB 2.0) digital interface for simple set-up and maximum flexibility.

DVD and CD Software Suite
Both Dual RW drives come bundled with DVD video authoring software, as well as DVD/CD burning software for creation of data, music, and video DVDs and CDs. The full-featured software suite also includes packet-writing software for users to easily record files and folders by dragging to the icon of a DVD+RW/CD-RW disc. The software suite includes:

· Sonic* RecordNow® mastering software that allows users to create custom CDs and DVDs and create backup copies of CDs or DVD-ROMs; also includes quick archive function for backing up your hard drive;

· Sonic* DLA packet-writing software that enables users to format, drag-and-drop or delete files on DVD+RW or CD-RW discs similar to a hard drive or floppy disk;

· Sonic* MyDVD® authoring software that allows users to quickly and easily transfer home videos to customized DVD-video and Video CD discs, plus video editing software for customizing video footage;

· CyberLink PowerDVD® DVD-Video playing software that enables interactive viewing of both DVD-Video and Video CD discs on a PC; and

· MUSICMATCH® Jukebox personal music system to help play, record, organize and discover new music with a guide to thousands of streams of personalized music programming.

Availability, Pricing and Warranty

The internal DRU-530A Dual RW drive will be available in December for an estimated retail price of around $270, and the external DRX-530UL model will be available in January for around $350. Sony DVD/CD rewritable drives are sold through resellers and retailers nationwide, mail order catalogs, and select online shopping sites, including SonyStyle.com.

Sony supports what it refers to as "worry-free" installation and easy operation with toll-free customer and technical service, Monday through Saturday, from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. CST, along with a one-year limited warranty from the original date of purchase.

Specifications for Sony's New 530 Series of Dual RW Drives

Sony DRU-530A DVD/CD Rewritable Drive
· ATAPI (EIDE) internal interface
· DVD+R: 8X (max.) writingDVD+RW: 4X (max.) rewriting DVD-R: 4X (max.) writingDVD-RW: 2X (max.) rewritingDVD-ROM reading (single layer): 12X (max.) CD-R: 40X (max.) writingCD-RW: 24X (max.) rewritingCD-ROM: 40X (max) reading
· Dimensions: 5.75 x 1.64 x 7.22 inches (W x H x L)
· Microsoft® Windows® 2000 / Windows XP
· Burst data transfer rate: 33.3 Mbit/s max.
· Random access time: 160 ms (CD-ROM), 200 ms (DVD-ROM)
· Buffer memory: 2 MB
· Buffer under-run error protection technology: Sony Power-Burn conformed
· Recording method (CD): Disc at Once, Track at Once, Session at Once, Packet Writing(DVD): Random Access Write (DVD+RW/DVD-RW/CD-RW), Sequential Write (DVD+R/+RW, DVD-R/-RW/CD-R/RW)
· Compatible disc format: DVD-ROM, DVD-Video, DVD+RW, DVD+R, DVD-RW, DVD-R, CD-ROM, CD-DA, Video CD, Photo CD (multi-session), CD TEXT, CD Extra, and others
· Availability - December 2003
· Estimated Selling Price - $270

Sony DRX-530UL DVD/CD Rewritable Drive
· Hi-Speed USB (USB2.0) and i.LINKÒ external interfaces· Full Speed USB (USB1.1) compatible with lower write/read performance
· DVD+R: 8X (max.) writingDVD+RW: 4X (max.) rewriting DVD-R: 4X (max.) writingDVD-RW: 2X (max.) rewritingDVD-ROM reading (single layer): 12X (max.)CD-R: 40X (max.) writingCD-RW: 24X (max.) rewritingCD-ROM reading: 40X (max)
· Dimensions: 6.46 x 2.09x 9.71 inches (W x H x L)
· Platform support: Microsoft® Windows® 2000 / Windows XP
· Burst data transfer rate: USB: 480 Mbit/s max, i.LINK interface: 400 Mbit/s max.
· Random access time: 160 ms (CD-ROM), 200 ms (DVD-ROM)
· Buffer memory: 2 MB
· Buffer under-run error protection technology: Sony Power-Burn conformed
· Recording method (CD): Disc at Once, Track at Once, Session at Once, Packet Writing(DVD): Random Access Write (DVD+RW/DVD-RW/CD-RW), Sequential Write (DVD+R/+RW, DVD-R/-RW/CD-R/RW)
· Compatible disc format: DVD-ROM, DVD-Video, DVD+RW, DVD+R, DVD-RW, DVD-R, CD-ROM, CD-DA, Video CD, Photo CD (multi-session), CD TEXT, CD Extra, and others
· Availability - January 2004
· Estimated Selling Price - $350

# # #
Editor's Note: For additional information about Sony Dual RW and CD-R/RW products, consumers can call (800) 352-7669, or visit Sony's Web site at http://www.sony.com/dvdburners. Product information and images can also be found on Sony's News and Information Web site at http://www.sony.com/news.
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Postby Ian on Sun Oct 19, 2003 7:40 pm


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Postby Ian on Mon Oct 20, 2003 8:30 am

I've already asked my Sony contact whether or not these drives will support dual layer discs and 8x DVD-R writing speeds. No word yet. As I find out more info, I'll let you know.
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Postby yodat on Mon Oct 20, 2003 8:38 am

this sony seems to be a liteon (again), am i wrong ?
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Postby Bhairav on Mon Oct 20, 2003 9:57 am

I doubt that these new Sony drives are Lite-On OEMs. They are more likely to be Sony's own designs. In fact, Lite-On even rebadged the Sony DRU500A and 510A as the LDW-400D and LDW-440D respectively.
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Postby Ian on Mon Oct 20, 2003 10:48 am

yodat wrote:this sony seems to be a liteon (again), am i wrong ?

I doubt it.
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Postby Ian on Mon Oct 20, 2003 12:45 pm

OK, here's an update.

The 530's will be able to read dual layer DVD+R discs. However, they will NOT be able to write to them. According to Sony, there are a number of IC's required for dual layer recording that still haven't been implemented. To make a long story short, you won't get this support via a firmware update.

Like Plextor, Sony really doesn't know if their new drives will be able to support 8x DVD-R writing speeds. Until the spec has been finalized, they aren't going to be making any promises.
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Postby flash on Mon Oct 20, 2003 1:26 pm

Why purchase the Sony when you can have the proven reliable
Plextor. The Plextor will be even less money by the time Sony actually
releases their drive. HHMMM.
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Postby Kennyshin on Mon Oct 20, 2003 2:36 pm

flash wrote:Why purchase the Sony when you can have the proven reliable
Plextor. The Plextor will be even less money by the time Sony actually
releases their drive. HHMMM.

Why would Plextor continue to sell DVD+R writers unless they receive some more profits from higher prices than Sony and NEC? Sony, NEC, Lite-On, BTC, Samsung, LG, and other makers will cost lower.
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Postby rdgrimes on Mon Oct 20, 2003 3:18 pm

Someone correct me if I'm mistaken, but I was under the impression that Sony will no longer be selling anything other than LiteOn drives, due to their cooperation aggrement. Once LiteOn began releasing the DVD burners, Sony was to go to all LiteOn drives. Much like the JVC agreement, eventually the lines will blur even more.
If this is accurate, given the projected release dates and specs of the LiteOn and Sony drives, wouldn't it be reasonable to assume they are the same drive?
The price sure makes you wonder, though.
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Postby Morpheus on Fri Oct 24, 2003 3:00 pm

I was planning on getting either the Plextor PX-708A or Sony's DRU-530A. Both have the same speeds and come with a 2MB buffer. So other things to look for are data access times ( random access, and seek times), burn quality and software package. Looks like Plextor's random access is faster. The Sony software package has: 1) Sonic RecordNow, 2) Sonic DLA packet-writing software, 3) Sonic MyDVD authoring software, 4) CyberLink PowerDVD, and 5) MUSICMATCH Jukebox. I already have Sonic MyDVD 3.0 (SE?), and MUSICMATCH Jukebox 7.5 Plus, Nero 5.5 ( planning on upgraging to 6 Ultra ) and I'm planning on buying WinDVD 5 Platinum and PowerDVD 5 Deluxe. Also the Plextor comes with Roxio Easy CD & DVD Creator 6 and with the announcement today that version 6.2 is coming out and version 6 owners are getting a free update ( I hope that appiles here with the software version that you get with the Plextor.) So the software for the Sony won't really be used. On top of that I found out the Plextor PX-708A also comes in a black front bezel version (my pc case is black). Since the Plextor is already out (about 1 month) and the Sony's won't be out for about 1.5 months, I decided to get the PX-708A. Comments / thoughts?
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Postby dodecahedron on Fri Oct 24, 2003 3:46 pm

seems like good reasoning.

it all depends on how bad you want the drive now.
as opposed to waiting for the Sony drive to be released, reviewed and see how the two drives really compare.
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Postby terue5b0 on Tue Oct 28, 2003 4:08 am

Morpheus wrote:Both have the same speeds and come with a 2MB buffer.

Doesn't the DRU530A have an 8MB buffer?
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Postby dodecahedron on Tue Oct 28, 2003 6:29 am

read Ian's post at the top of this topic.
it says: Buffer memory: 2 MB.

you must've confused it with the DRU-500A and DRU-510A, both of which have an 8 MB buffer.
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Postby MonteLDS on Wed Oct 29, 2003 5:31 pm

you know i have wonder why they went to 2MB buffer instead of 8MB. Is it price? is it that they think the drive is so stable that it really doesn't need such a large ammount of buffer..

*shrug* :-?
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Postby Ian on Wed Oct 29, 2003 5:35 pm

Yup.. they save a few cents by going with the smaller buffer. Sony has also established themselves in the DVD writer market. Most people will buy the drive on that merit alone.. not the size of its buffer.
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Postby cenkog on Wed Oct 29, 2003 6:13 pm

Large buffer size( 8 MB & more) & dual layer,multiformat(+&-) DVD read/write feature of a DVD burner are of extreme importance IMO... Fingers crossed ,still waiting ...

Ian wrote:Yup.. they save a few cents by going with the smaller buffer. Sony has also established themselves in the DVD writer market. Most people will buy the drive on that merit alone.. not the size of its buffer.
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Postby Kennyshin on Wed Oct 29, 2003 6:21 pm

cenkog wrote:Large buffer size( 8 MB & more) & dual layer,multiformat(+&-) DVD read/write feature of a DVD burner are of extreme importance IMO... Fingers crossed ,still waiting ...

Ian wrote:Yup.. they save a few cents by going with the smaller buffer. Sony has also established themselves in the DVD writer market. Most people will buy the drive on that merit alone.. not the size of its buffer.

I'd just wait for 500 USD NEC AOD drive either with a SCSI or Serial ATA connector.

I bought thousands of CD-R and thousands of DVD-R/-RW but it was 1999 that I first wanted DVD recordable solution, not 2003.
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