by CameraMan on Sun Oct 19, 2003 1:41 am
So far, I've bought all my media as Future Shop or Best Buy. The prices were pretty good, even when compared to US-based on-line stores.
I got a little hosed on my Memorex DVD+RW discs, it was like 3 for $20.
I see now both stores have x4 RW discs. My next purchase I guess.
Best Buy Canada had a great deal a few weeks back, Memorex DVD+R x4 , a 5 pack for $10. I bought 5 packs right away. Usually $15 or so a box.
I'm happy with the Memorex and Maxell discs I bought. Burned maybe 10 DVD+R's since I got my BenQ, not a glitch yet.
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada - Slurpee Capital of the world!
BenQ DW400A, LG 24x, 48x & 52x