by Pilgrim on Tue Oct 14, 2003 12:15 pm
When I called the first time, I too forgot to ask about recording speed. But taking your lead, I called back this morning and asked about the speed of these Fuji CDs. The first man I talked to said he wasn't sure and even opened a pack to check on the label, etc. but he said there was no indication, that he could see, what the speed was. However, he said he would call Fuji personally and find out and call me back.
Within 15 minutes I got a call back and the answer given was, "Up to 48x". I increased my order by 40 more (2 packs).
The shipping costs seem to be high, but I distinctly remember reading about a great deal for TY CD-R 48x discs in this Forum a few months back and ordered a stack of 100 from the company in the U.S. (I'm in Canada). The price for the CDs was great.... but the shipping cost was staggering. They only would ship via UPS, so in addition to their balloon shipping cost, I would have had to pay an additional $25 "Brokerage Fee" to UPS on top of the regular shipping cost. All total, the shipping would have cost me $60+ Canadian. Needless to say, I immediately got on the phone and canceled the order. The salesperson was sympathetic and gladly complied with my cancellation request.