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Anyone know anything about Nu-Tech drives?


Postby Murse on Tue Oct 14, 2003 11:46 am

Nu Tech recently posted a table of DDW series compatible media:


The table is kind of a mess and has some strange symbols in it, but if you look near the bottom, it indicates that the DDW-081 can burn a particular 4x MCC disc at 8x. It also shows it is compatible with MCC 8x discs.

So, I guess it can handle some 4x discs at higher speeds. That is good news, as long as the 4x discs it can use are easy to get. It doesn't list any Ricoh or Ritek media, so I guess it will be up to user testing to get a more complete list.

I also got a response from Quanta on my question about bit-setting. Unfortunately, it wasn't a clear yes or no. But the e-mail said:

"Excellent to get your mail, I think that is normal function form Philips solution that you also can use Nero to enable it by yourself."

Below this sentence were screen shots of Nero showing how to enable bit-setting. But the shots were the generic shots available on the web as the the drive shown in the dialog box was an NEC 1100. I guess the final verdict on this will come from user testing as well. At least this tech new what I was talking about.

I may just get this drive.
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Postby Ian on Tue Oct 14, 2003 12:30 pm

That table is impossible to read. How can you tell what speed the media is rated at?
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Postby jsl on Tue Oct 14, 2003 2:50 pm

The list seems to be incomplete and does not load correctly but here is what I got out from it:

Code: Select all
   Mfr        Mfr ID      Rev Media type DDW-061 DDW-081
1  BEALL      BEALL P0001     DVD+R 2.4X    2.4X    2.4X
2  BEALL      BEALL000P40     DVD+R   4X      4X      4X
3  CMC        CMC MAG R01     DVD+R 2.4X    2.4X    2.4X
4  CMC        CMC MAG F01     DVD+R   4X      4X      4X
5  DAXON      DAXON   AZ0     DVD+R 2.4X    2.4X    2.4X
6  DAXON      DAXON   AZ1 01  DVD+R   4X      4X      4X
7  Leaddata   LD      001     DVD+R 2.4X    2.4X    2.4X
8  MBI        MBIPG101R03     DVD+R   4X      4X      4X
9  Mitsubishi MCC     001     DVD+R 2.4X    2.4X    2.4X
10 Mitsubishi MCC     002     DVD+R   4X      6X      8X
11 Mitsubishi MCC     003     DVD+R   8X      6X      8X
12 NANYA      NANYA   D 
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Postby aviationwiz on Tue Oct 14, 2003 4:36 pm

Ian wrote:That table is impossible to read. How can you tell what speed the media is rated at?

That table is impossible to read, luckily, jsl got us a real table above!
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Postby dhc014 on Tue Oct 14, 2003 4:43 pm

Yes, very nice jsl!

A friend just ordered the 8x nu Tech drive. I'm anxious to see what it can do!
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Postby Ian on Tue Oct 14, 2003 5:10 pm

Thanks jsl.

Yeah, it looks like you will need 8x media to write at 8x with the DDW-081. It also interesting that Mitsubishi media is the 8x media on that list.
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Postby Murse on Tue Oct 14, 2003 5:32 pm

It looks like disc #10 on the chart is a 4x disc that the the DDW081 can write to at 8x.
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Postby Murse on Tue Oct 14, 2003 5:34 pm

Now at zipzoomfly it's up to $159! Guess I'll be waiting.
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Postby Ian on Tue Oct 14, 2003 6:50 pm

Murse wrote:It looks like disc #10 on the chart is a 4x disc that the the DDW081 can write to at 8x.

Oh yeah.. duh.
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Postby VEFF on Tue Oct 14, 2003 8:46 pm

Murse wrote:Now at zipzoomfly it's up to $159! Guess I'll be waiting.

They also have the Benq 8X for about $10 more.
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Postby wicked1 on Tue Oct 14, 2003 10:24 pm

Newegg and zipzoomfly both raised their price on this drive. I was gonna order one this evening :(
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Postby aviationwiz on Tue Oct 14, 2003 10:57 pm

wicked1 wrote:Newegg and zipzoomfly both raised their price on this drive. I was gonna order one this evening :(

Why would you get this Nu drive when you already have the Plex which is proven good. This is the first time I have ever heard of Nu-Tech, and I bet they are crap. I'd rather have a Benq, and I'd HATE to have a Benq.
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Postby wicked1 on Tue Oct 14, 2003 11:00 pm

aviationwiz wrote:
wicked1 wrote:Newegg and zipzoomfly both raised their price on this drive. I was gonna order one this evening :(

Why would you get this Nu drive when you already have the Plex which is proven good. This is the first time I have ever heard of Nu-Tech, and I bet they are crap. I'd rather have a Benq, and I'd HATE to have a Benq.

Why?It is almost 100 dollars cheaper than my plex and my plex has done nothing but give me troubles so far so I see it about an even change.I dont think it can get worse considering that there isnt a single damn dvd-R that I have bought that will burn on it.I know the Nutech is only dvd+ right now but if it can burn at 8x on MCC disks then thats just as good as the plextor which only does it on a few disks too.The DVD read speed and CD read speed are also faster on the nutech.Oh yeah did I mention its almost 100 dollars cheaper? :o
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Postby dhc014 on Tue Oct 14, 2003 11:09 pm

aviationwiz wrote:Why would you get this Nu drive when you already have the Plex which is proven good. This is the first time I have ever heard of Nu-Tech, and I bet they are crap. I'd rather have a Benq, and I'd HATE to have a Benq.

That really sounds like pure ignorance to me. You know nothing at all about how the drives will be yet you predict that they will be crap? I would appreciate it if you would leave Plextor out of posts that it has nothing at all to do with it. Especially if your only point is to buy a Plextor, not the drive being discussed.
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Postby aviationwiz on Tue Oct 14, 2003 11:10 pm

It doesn't say that it does it on Ricoh though. Ricoh makes up more than 50% of the US DVD+R/RW media market. MCC is only a small part of the US DVD+R/RW media market, and that is a few Verbatim batches, some Verbatim DVD+R 4x are Ricoh! There is also no proof that the Nu-Tech will do DVD-Minus later on.
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Postby aviationwiz on Tue Oct 14, 2003 11:12 pm

dhc014 wrote:
aviationwiz wrote:Why would you get this Nu drive when you already have the Plex which is proven good. This is the first time I have ever heard of Nu-Tech, and I bet they are crap. I'd rather have a Benq, and I'd HATE to have a Benq.

That really sounds like pure ignorance to me. You know nothing at all about how the drives will be yet you predict that they will be crap? I would appreciate it if you would leave Plextor out of posts that it has nothing at all to do with it. Especially if your only point is to buy a Plextor, not the drive being discussed.

My point there was to say, that if you already have, what is so far the best 8x writer, why go and buy something that will MUST-PROBABLY be of lower quality. I think the fact that they are brand new says something that they might not be too good.
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Postby dhc014 on Tue Oct 14, 2003 11:14 pm

aviationwiz wrote:
dhc014 wrote:
aviationwiz wrote:Why would you get this Nu drive when you already have the Plex which is proven good. This is the first time I have ever heard of Nu-Tech, and I bet they are crap. I'd rather have a Benq, and I'd HATE to have a Benq.

That really sounds like pure ignorance to me. You know nothing at all about how the drives will be yet you predict that they will be crap? I would appreciate it if you would leave Plextor out of posts that it has nothing at all to do with it. Especially if your only point is to buy a Plextor, not the drive being discussed.

My point there was to say, that if you already have, what is so far the best 8x writer, why go and buy something that will MUST-PROBABLY be of lower quality. I think the fact that they are brand new says something that they might not be too good.

I will be trying my hardest to remember to use that logic for when plextor releases their next brand new burner. QSI has a heck of a lot of experience in the optical drive industry, but no retail presence. The nu Tech brand is probably an attempt at starting up a recognizable brand.
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Postby aviationwiz on Tue Oct 14, 2003 11:37 pm

dhc014 wrote:I will be trying my hardest to remember to use that logic for when plextor releases their next brand new burner. QSI has a heck of a lot of experience in the optical drive industry, but no retail presence. The nu Tech brand is probably an attempt at starting up a recognizable brand.

That's fine, it is possible for a Plextor drive to completely suck, very possible indeed, the chances of seeing a bad drive from Nu-Tech, or Benq, is a higher chance than seeing a bad drive from Plextor. I have been taught that when there is something brand new, and there is something out from people who have been in a while, (Plex, Benq) to expect the worst from the new one. That way, you won't be shocked if the drive ends up sucking, and if the drives end up being good, you can get a feel for that company, and get the idea that thier next drive very well could be good.
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Postby Ian on Wed Oct 15, 2003 12:13 am

I think the point here is that you don't need to crap on everyone else's parade. If I didn't know you already, I'd say you were a very closed minded person. Be a little more optimistic. The Nu Tech drives could be very good.
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Postby aviationwiz on Wed Oct 15, 2003 12:21 am

I think it would be best for me to keep my mouth (keyboard) shut now. I'll talk when I know more about this drive. :-?
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Postby NUT ek on Wed Oct 15, 2003 12:52 am

LOL....I am getting one (DDW-081) in a day or so so I will give you all a quick rundown once i get it up and running :)
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Postby RJW on Wed Oct 15, 2003 3:52 am

About it being better as the Plextor.
It will be hard.
Since if someone has seen how good the burn quality(I'm talking about the real stuff not K-probe/CD Docter) of the Plextor drive is on 4x on most media and on 4x MCC at 8x(better as Lite On 401S on 4x) then you would know that the competition has some work to do.
Pioneer is close with it's A06 drive but the rest have some work to do.
Still it is possible that Nu Tech has done it, but I don't expect it.

About Benq. Benq's 8x drive is the first own design(together designed with Philips) so it cannot be compared with the older generation Ricoh oem based drives. Which all had some flaws. However Benq and Philips have not proven to be the best brands to me.

For people who wonder why MCC03 (Genartion 3) 8x media is allready listed and no others are that's because MCC03 media is allready there for most drive manufacturers. Volume production however has started a couple of weeks ago. So expect the media to be there at the end of the month.
While MCC02 might be able to do it is because of the very stable performance.(More stable as RICOH) and MCC might have said again for why not optimise it so people can burn at 8x untill we supply the real media.
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Postby Bhairav on Wed Oct 15, 2003 4:54 am

^^ aviationwiz's alter ego!
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Postby jsl on Wed Oct 15, 2003 5:26 am

RJW wrote:About it being better as the Plextor.
About Benq. Benq's 8x drive is the first own design(together designed with Philips) so it cannot be compared with the older generation Ricoh oem based drives. Which all had some flaws. However Benq and Philips have not proven to be the best brands to me.

The BenQ DW400A is a Philips/BenQ design too so the DW800A is not the first.
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Postby RJW on Wed Oct 15, 2003 5:35 am

you might claim me to be someone alter ego. However check the facts befor makeing some stupid remark.

I seriously hope that Nu Tech can make a excellent drive and even in one go. However checking test data of other manufacturers shows that it will be hard to beat the Plextor 708. However not impossible.

The 708 is flawed when it comes to reading damaged cd-r's and it's support for some cheap media manufacturers could be better.
Also reading damaged dvd9 could be better.

Still the only real competitor tested so far is the Pioneer AO6.
But we will see what Nu Tech will bring. I just hope that C't (germanny )will get one for testing. Since then we would know really how good it is.
Unless someone prooves the reliability of K-probe / UM Docter II.

I will look the BENQ DW-400 up this weekend.
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