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Color System

Postby aviationwiz on Mon Oct 13, 2003 6:35 pm

I have a question or two here.

If I burn a DVD from scratch, an actual home DVD, and I burn it in Region 0 (all regions format) will it play on a European, Australian, or African DVD Player/DVD-ROM without any problems, or will it not play because of the different color system?

US and Japan use NTSC
Rest of the World uses PAL
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Postby burninfool on Mon Oct 13, 2003 7:30 pm

All PAL DVD players support a Region Free NTSC disk but not all PAL tv's support NTSC resolution(ver. res. NTSC:480;PAL:576).If this question is about your DVD for sale I would make two disks,one NTSC and one PAL,but make both 23.98fps(film).
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Postby aviationwiz on Mon Oct 13, 2003 8:11 pm

Does anyone know of a program that will let me convert NTSC to PAL?
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Postby integspec on Mon Oct 13, 2003 8:25 pm

Usually NTSC devices only stick to NTSC. This is mostly true for the electronics sold in Korea (and also Japan) for domestic use. But in general, PAL devices support both formats (in the old days, they even supported SECAM). Of course supported NTSC ver might vary. Btw, my comment is largely based on TVs and on dvd players my experience in limited.

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Aviationwiz, have you produced a movie or what? ;-)
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Postby burninfool on Mon Oct 13, 2003 8:33 pm

aviationwiz wrote:Does anyone know of a program that will let me convert NTSC to PAL?

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Postby Silentbob343 on Tue Oct 14, 2003 12:42 am

don't forget SECAM
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