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Qustions about DVD media

Postby Noua on Thu Oct 09, 2003 3:04 pm

Well, I found a local store near me that sells DVD-R Mitsui for 1,4€ each... Not bad, what I don't know is if they are any good. I've searched in the forum and there is no strong opinion about it.
If anyone could help me on this I would really appreciate. I'm tired of having to spend 2€ for each DVD...

Another question, I there a website where I can find what are the manufacturers of the media, for example Maxell DVD-r? (I haven't searched for this in the forum so if there's an answer out there sorry for questioning again...)
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Postby Noua on Thu Oct 09, 2003 3:15 pm

Forget the last part of my previous post, I found a site that can give us the manufacturer... All I had to do was to search a little bit...

Anyway here's the site for someone that might need:


And here's a good post about it...

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Postby RJW on Mon Oct 13, 2003 5:44 am

Mitsui 4x DVD-R seems to be quite problematic.
There 2x DVD-R were ussable. Still not a disc I would recommend.

You could also use the following database
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