After reading Ian's convincing review (so it took 3 or 4 readings to become convinced), I purchased the Lite-On LDW-401S at NewEgg for $109.99.

UALOneKPlus's tip led me to CompUSA where I bought a 10-PAK of Memorex +RW's for 27 bucks.
I'm a little nervous and excited about my first DVD burning experience. I've got a bunch of movies I'm going to copy, and some music CD's to share with my nieces, 7 and 10 years of age.
Just wanted to express my enthusiasm for this website's administrators and contributors who influenced my first DVD recordable purchase.
P.S. Fellow MN dweller aviationwiz might ask why I didn't purchase the Plextor 708-A.

It's a tough choice. The issue is mostly price, and based on Ian's review, I opted for the "best bang for the buck" over the "editor's choice". I'm expecting to get a good drive for the money.

It should arrive by mid-week.