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Plextor 708UF or external enclosure?


Plextor 708UF or external enclosure?

Postby seanc on Sun Oct 12, 2003 8:11 am

I've been waiting for the plextor 708UF external 8x drive to appear...and it looks like it's going to hit in the next couple weeks. (plextor says they received their shipment last week and retailers should see them within the next two weeks).

I've also read about external enclosures and could pair it with the 708A.

What would be preferable? Cost of +- 50 bucks makes no difference in this circumstance.

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Postby Justin42 on Sun Oct 12, 2003 12:43 pm

If price isn't really an issue, I would say wait for the "true" external drive. That way, the whole thing has 1 warranty, and you know the case will work properly with the drive. Also, external drives tend to look nicer than a drive-in-a-case.

I only mention this because I've had firewire enclosures go bad on me, and having to deal with 2 different companies during the troubleshooting process can be a pain. And if you think you're having a problem with the drive itself, you can identify it as being in a case-- some companies flip out if your drive isn't physically mounted inside a computer (Which I don't have room for, in the case of my DRU500a).
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