thanks for your help in trouble-shooting my sister's computer
now i need your help in troubleshooting mine!
after installing an additional hard drive in my computer (see here: ) now my computer is dead.
the changes i've done to my system:
added another hard drive as primary slave.
left the previous drive as Master, set the new one as Slave.
powered up, BIOS recognizes both drives fine.
entered Windows, recognized the second drive just fine.
assigned to it drive letter G:
got a small balloon in the system tray notifying me that new hardware was discovered, the drivers for it installed.
then got a dialog saying i need to reboot.
OK rebooted.
(then unfortunately went away for a couple of minutes - the wife called me).
when i came back to the computer - it's absolutely dead!
and an upleasant whiff in the air... maybe from the PSU?
when powered up no response.
no LED on the front of the case.
no fan spinning: no case fans, no CPU/northbridge/videocard fan, not the fan(s?) in the power supply.
no video output to the monitor, including BIOS stuff.
no power to the HDDs, they're not spinning.
no power to the optical drives.
absolutely dead!
(i'm not 100% sure, but i think at first the case LED was working, but then that stopped too)
the only thing that is working, is the LED on the motherboard, which indicates that the motherboard is getting power! this LED is on as long as the computer is hooked to the electricity, even when the computer is off (a warning LED when messing with the computer to let you know that it's connected to the mains. this is working as it should).
at this point i'm pretty sure it's the PSU that's gone.
but this has me baffled, why is the mobo warning LED still on ???
also, first boot after installing the new HD it worked just fine!
the PSU is a 300W Codegen, which i'm sure is (chinese) crap.
however it should still be able to handle 2 hard drives, no? (plus 2 CDRW drives, but they weren't in use, just being powered up.)
could it be that the power drain on the PSU was too much, it worked fine for a couple of minutes (the first boot) and then died (upon the second boot)? doesn't make sense to me.
system specs:
Asus K7M266 mobo (southbridge - VIA 82C686B, northbridge AMD761)
CPU - AMD Athlon (Thundirbird core) 1.4GHz (yeah, power hungry).
memory: DDR266, 512MB, 2x256 sticks from Kingston.
heatsink - crappy model from Spire
Vidcard - Asus 7100Deluxe (Geforce 2 GTS, 32MB)
[sorry for the long post, want to put in all possibly relevant info]
thanks in advance for any suggestions/tips.