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Sony 500ax reflashed to LiteOn 400 questions (KProbe)


Sony 500ax reflashed to LiteOn 400 questions (KProbe)

Postby wicked1 on Wed Oct 08, 2003 5:04 pm

I didnt test this yesterday and now I wish I did. Can the 500ax read the PI/PO errors when it thinks its a LiteOn 400?? I cant shutdown the system to reflash it till tommorow as there is some important network backups going on right now.
if it did though that would be GREAT. Wouldnt have to have a liteon 166 sitting around here anymore.
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Postby Ian on Wed Oct 08, 2003 5:42 pm

I don't think it can but I could be wrong.
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Postby Dartman on Wed Oct 08, 2003 7:11 pm

I reflashed mine to the 400 and it didn't work for that test anyways. It did burn just fine but probably no better then it did when it was a Sony. I've been trying to figure out why mine wont go any faster then 2X with 4X - media and I was hoping the Liteon Firmware would help but it didn't in my case. I later found a new g firmware for our drives but it still works the same so far, I believe a member posted the link to the new firmware here. I was able to go back from the LiteOn firmware without a problem as they include the f firmware for a fall back in the hack package.
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