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Buslink now bundling Roxio

Postby CDRecorder on Sat Oct 04, 2003 2:10 am

I recently RMA'd a drive to Buslink, and the replacement drive came with Roxio ECDC instead of Nero. Has anyone else seen ECDC in Buslink boxes instead of Nero?
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Buslink: Aopen or LiteON?

Postby fil on Sat Oct 04, 2003 7:28 pm

Buslink: Unfortunelly I got one Buslink/Aopen 52x, and I emailed them asking for a replacement, since the drive is the worst I ever had.
If I'm not mistaken you asked for a LiteOn to substitute your Aopen too.
Did you contact them by phone or email?
How is the process?
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Postby CDRecorder on Sat Oct 04, 2003 8:28 pm

I contacted them by e-mail. I couldn't reach them by phone. The e-mail I used to contact them was "rmastatus at buslink.com" (replace at with appropriate symbol). I always received a response very quickly.

When I asked the e-mail support person if I could get the drive replaced with the Lite-On model after explaining what was wrong with my AOpen drive, he said that I should send a note requesting the Lite-On drive as a replacement in the box with the drive, which I did. I also sent all included accessories along with the drive when I RMA'd it.

It took Buslink a rather long time to get me my replacement drive, but it was definitely worth it. My old drive was the AOpen 52x24x52x drive (mine was bad, too), and they sent me a Lite-On LTR-52327S 52x32x52x drive as a replacement! :D

Edit: Buslink didn't guarantee that they would replace my drive with a Lite-On, but they said that I could ask for it. If you request a Lite-On drive, I'd make sure to mention it in the e-mail as well as in the box; that way, I think you will be more likely to get the Lite-On drive. :D
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Postby fil on Sun Oct 05, 2003 2:03 pm

I emailed Buslink again, using the address you provided.
I hope they'll will take care of my request, and replace my drive also.
BTW, it fails so frequently I had to stop using it, and reinstall an old, but very reliable LG 12X8X32.
In 3 years, The LG has already burned more than 500 discs without creating a single coaster.
I own another drive: A Buslink 48x, but made by LiteOn, and this baby is a very good drive, wonderful performance, great DAE and very silenty.
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Postby CDRecorder on Sun Oct 05, 2003 2:59 pm

I hope they'll get back to you soon... BTW, they seem to shut down their technical support on weekends, so you'll probably get a response tomorrow.

My AOpen stopped recording CD-RW discs entirely (they would appear to write properly, but no drive in any computer could read them). It also failed a fair number of CD-R burns, whereas my Lite-Ons never fail to burn CDs.

Is your Buslink 48x drive an LTR-48125W? I agree; it's a great drive. :) BTW, I have one of those too, only mine came in a Cendyne box.
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Postby fil on Sun Oct 05, 2003 5:14 pm

>Is your Buslink 48x drive an LTR-48125W?
Yep. A great performer as I told you. It was the only reason I've got another Buslink. But the Aopen drive showed to be a very bad option.

I wonder why so many famous brands still manufacturing problematic drives.
Unfortunelly Aopen is on my "dont buy" list now, aside of Philips and JVC.
In the past years I had a chance to own several burners and CDROMs, and some of them still in working condition.
Honor mention to Plextor, since I still use an old SCSI 12x CDROM bought more than 4 years ago. Its still working perfectly and always delivered great results for audio ripping.
I never owned a Plextor burner, due to the higher price tag, but lately LiteON proved to be a very close competitor, for less than half price.
IMHO, LiteON and LG are the champions, because they are cheap, but high quality drives.
I'm thinking of buying a DVD drive soon(reader only). What do you recommend?

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Postby CDRecorder on Sun Oct 05, 2003 5:54 pm

I've heard that the Lite-On 166S is a good DVD-ROM drive, but I've never used one myself because I actually don't have any DVD drives. :o This is because I don't have a DVD burner or any pressed DVDs.
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Postby fil on Wed Oct 08, 2003 5:35 pm

The support stuff at Buslink are very good and did reply my email promptly.
Now I'm ready to send the bad Aopen drive to be replaced.
Just to be sure - and following your example -, I'm gonna to put a note inside the box, asking for a LiteON replacement.
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Postby CDRecorder on Wed Oct 08, 2003 6:47 pm

Good deal! I hope that everything goes well for you! :D
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