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HDBrun Compatible Media


HDBrun Compatible Media

Postby Robotnik on Tue Oct 07, 2003 4:50 pm

I am trying to burn an HDBurn disk with my OptoRite DD0203 burner, but I keep getting ATAPI errors in B's Recorder Gold and Power Calibration errors in Nero 6 when I try to do this. I understand that I need special compatible discs. From what I've gleaned from the group, people have had success using Taio Yuden and Maxell discs. Are there any other brands/manufacturer types which might work? None of the various different brand CMC disks I've tried seem to work. What discs have you guys had success with?
Memorex 52Maxx 52/24/52
MSI CR40-A 40x 12x 40x
Ricoh MP5125A DVD+RW/+R 2.4/2.4/8 DVDRW, 12/10/32 CDRW
Optorite DD0203
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Postby HardwareHarry on Tue Oct 07, 2003 5:34 pm

Since I found Platinum800 they also went all toasters, but now I found German made DataTrackR99-870MB(with Bayer's Makrolon-same as MMore, but MMore don't work well with me) on my Sony500 I don't have to try this, but at my Lite-On 40x( with speed lowered somewhat approx.24x) this DataTrack for the first time HDBurns with Nero 60019!

I didn't find any other brand that works........
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HD Burn

Postby tig2002 on Tue Oct 07, 2003 6:06 pm

I have never used the HD-Burn with my Optorite DD0203 burner, but I have read many posts that the best CD-R media for HD-Burn with Optorite is Fuji Film 48X CD-R. Some people on this forum tried several brands and types of media, but finally were able to burn CD-R's with HD-Burn on Fuji Film only.
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Postby Robotnik on Wed Oct 08, 2003 6:48 am

Woohoo, just had a successful HDBurn with these Mitsubishi Sonic AZOs! :D

I am rather happy these work, because I've never even seen a TY or Maxell disk for sale here in NZ.

Memorex 52Maxx 52/24/52
MSI CR40-A 40x 12x 40x
Ricoh MP5125A DVD+RW/+R 2.4/2.4/8 DVDRW, 12/10/32 CDRW
Optorite DD0203
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Postby Robotnik on Wed Oct 08, 2003 7:46 am

Just had another successful HD-Burn with these Imation disks.


Thing is, these are CMCs! True they're brand name CMCs, but they're still CMCs. How come I can't get an HD-Burn out of my off-brand, bulk pack, ebay purchased, 'Fashion Master' labelled CMCs??

B's Recorder Gold stops with an ATAPI error #51037303 every time with the 'Fashion Master' CMCs. I have hundreds of these disks actually, and they've always been pretty good until now - they burn with few errors on my Memorex/Liteon 52x drive anyway.
Memorex 52Maxx 52/24/52
MSI CR40-A 40x 12x 40x
Ricoh MP5125A DVD+RW/+R 2.4/2.4/8 DVDRW, 12/10/32 CDRW
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Postby Robotnik on Wed Oct 08, 2003 8:01 am

One more thing about my DD0203. I had to put it in an external USB2 enclosure to get it to work at all, strangely enough. When connected directly to the built-in non-RAID controller on my ALi Magik 1 chipset, Iwill XP333-R based Athlon system, it wouldn't record any disks at all, of any type. B's Recorder would always quit with an ATAPI error. I suspect this might have something to do with the idiosyncracies of my motherboard though, I've had similar trouble with other optical drives on it before.
Memorex 52Maxx 52/24/52
MSI CR40-A 40x 12x 40x
Ricoh MP5125A DVD+RW/+R 2.4/2.4/8 DVDRW, 12/10/32 CDRW
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Postby HardwareHarry on Wed Oct 08, 2003 9:53 am


A pity that those Mitsubishi AZO are not (yet) available in the Netherlands.

And normally these Mitsubishi Chemical products are under the Verbatim brand.
It looks that this Mitsubishi AZO package is imported from Japan.
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