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HELP bad flash problems

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HELP bad flash problems

Postby wicked1 on Tue Oct 07, 2003 10:38 pm

I tried to flash my samsung with their windows program to no avail so I tried winmtkflash no good either. I rebooted to DOS and used mtkflash it erased the drive but refused to write to it and after 3rd try it locked up. Now my computer wont boot if it is hooked up to the IDE ribbon. I am going to try to boot it up with a floppy and then hookup the drive with the power on. I hope I didnt just FUBAR my drive :( Any ideas other than this?
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Postby wicked1 on Tue Oct 07, 2003 10:47 pm

That idea actually worked :D The drive is back up and functioning now with the new firmware. Why cant the windows flash utility that comes with the samsung ever work?
Pioneer dvr-108,NEC 3540,BenQ 1640,LiteOn 1693S
Intel pentium D 930 oc to 4.2 ghz
2 gb ddr2 1066 mhz ram
geforce 7600GT
sb audigy 2 zs platnum
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Postby CDRecorder on Tue Oct 07, 2003 11:44 pm

Hmm, too bad that the Samsung utility didn't work. I'm glad to hear that your drive is working now, though! :D
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