After reading recent reviews about new 8X (and upcoming 16X) DVD burners I ask myself a question: why people care so much about faster burners and cannot wait to buy one? The 4X DVD burners do their job (burn an entire DVD movie) in 12-15 minutes! Does somebody need faster burning? I don't, unless I start DVD replication business, or use my DVD burner to backup 4.7GB of data every hour or day. Of course I have to prepare 4.7GB of data for a backup to burn it so frequently...
When I got my first 2X CD burner several years ago, I couldn’t wait to buy a faster one because more than half an hour of burning 650MB of data or 70-min music CD was a pain. Now I have 48X CD burner that burns 700MB of data or 80-min of music in 2-3 minutes. And I don't really care if tomorrow Pioneer and Philips come up with 96X CD-R burner, as I don't really need to upgrade my P4 2.4GHz CPU to 3.2GHz.
And I also learned from my experience: the faster you burn, the more chance you have of making coasters.
In my opinion some computer hardware components reached their limits for today's applications and needs: CPU's, CD-RW's and even DVD-/+RW's.