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Why people care so much about 8X DVD burners?


Why people care so much about 8X DVD burners?

Postby tig2002 on Tue Oct 07, 2003 6:32 pm

After reading recent reviews about new 8X (and upcoming 16X) DVD burners I ask myself a question: why people care so much about faster burners and cannot wait to buy one? The 4X DVD burners do their job (burn an entire DVD movie) in 12-15 minutes! Does somebody need faster burning? I don't, unless I start DVD replication business, or use my DVD burner to backup 4.7GB of data every hour or day. Of course I have to prepare 4.7GB of data for a backup to burn it so frequently...

When I got my first 2X CD burner several years ago, I couldn’t wait to buy a faster one because more than half an hour of burning 650MB of data or 70-min music CD was a pain. Now I have 48X CD burner that burns 700MB of data or 80-min of music in 2-3 minutes. And I don't really care if tomorrow Pioneer and Philips come up with 96X CD-R burner, as I don't really need to upgrade my P4 2.4GHz CPU to 3.2GHz.

And I also learned from my experience: the faster you burn, the more chance you have of making coasters.

In my opinion some computer hardware components reached their limits for today's applications and needs: CPU's, CD-RW's and even DVD-/+RW's.
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Postby MonteLDS on Tue Oct 07, 2003 7:38 pm

Movies on the go? Data on the go? Music on the go?

these are the reasons.

friend just called you up and said hey you have that copy of that movie lets go watch it right now, you need a fast copy of the movie, ta da

Data is so important. You work as an IT person or someone needs help with an OS or software. You pile it all onto 1 DVDR really fast and go. Maybe you have that huge new project that you done at work that 2 gigs big and you have to be showing it to the boss in 6 mins and you just finished it. You need it fast you need it now

Music was the best example. People take FOREVER to make out a perfect CDA. And by the time it is ready they have to leave real quick. Or they are making a copiy for their friend as they go on a road trip. Need it fast need it now. Why wait for the 15 mins when you can have it done in like 4 mins..

anyways, faster is better if the need is nessary. maybe these are some of the needs, maybe some people sell a crap load of DVDs of their home town high school football game for all the mommy and daddys out there

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Postby wicked1 on Tue Oct 07, 2003 8:27 pm

or maybe we all just have ADD :) Me personally its a matter of raw power, a man thing 8) j/k (not really) I dont usually burn one disc here one disc there. I may go 5-6 days without burning one then bam I have to burn like 10-20 copies ASAP. Now 4x speed is nice but 8x is much better. I cant wait till thursday morning my new plextor will be here.
Pioneer dvr-108,NEC 3540,BenQ 1640,LiteOn 1693S
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Postby VEFF on Tue Oct 07, 2003 11:29 pm

I think people have numerous reasons, not all of them being
scientific, and not all of them being my reasons.

1) Time is money; the less time I spend burning, the more time I have
to go biking outside, listen to music, visit family, go out with my girlfriend

2) As mentioned: that age old guy thing of wanting the latest and greatest...

3) Last minute burns (as mentioned by MonteLDS): bringing a data disc to work, sharing pictures or home videos with relatives visiting from abroad etc...

4) I plan on copying multiple data CD-Rs to one DVD recordable (reducing storage space) and so forth; the faster the better.
Burners only:
Pioneer DVR-115D
Pioneer DVR-111D
Plextor PX-716A TLA0304
Plextor PX-716A same TLA

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LiteOn 52246S (another)
LiteOn 52327S 52X CD-RW
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