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should I buy the LiteON 401s?


should I buy the LiteON 401s?

Postby dolphinius_rex on Sat Oct 04, 2003 1:47 pm

Argh! This is so frustrating! I was saving up some money to buy the LiteON "PhoMaster LVD-2001 DVD Player W/ DIVX/MPEG4 Playback" (a stand alone DVD player), and I the place I was going to buy it from just brought out the LiteON 401S for almost $30 cheaper, $149.98 (Canadian). This is the cheapest DVD writer available in my area by about $80.00 right now, and the next cheapest burner is the LG 4040B, followed by the Pioneer A06. Now I know I want the Pioneer A06 no matter what, but darn, now I really want this drive! Even if it is only a DVD+R/RW drive...

Is my support for LiteON greater then my support for DVD-R/RW??? Should I buy a single format drive to hold me over until I can buy a cheap A06? Is my last paycheque burning a hole in my pocket? ARGH!

he LiteON DVD burner would also allow me to test me DVDs, and identify their media code.... but DVD+R is SO much more expensive here... I'd have to have my media shipped in from either Toronto or the U.S. ARGH!

Why couldn't it have been the LiteON 411S instead, then I would just buy it and be happy! (and we will not talk about the next thing that comes to mind...ok? seriously!)

So what do you thnk guys? should I buy it? Should I wait? it would be great for my webpage afterall.... :-?
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Postby dhc014 on Sat Oct 04, 2003 1:52 pm

If your ultimate goal is to get a dual format drive (DVR-106), then I'd say just save a little longer and skip the LDW-401S. The LDW-411S should be out very soon too, so maybe it'll come out while you're saving for the DVR-106...
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Postby noycan on Sat Oct 04, 2003 2:13 pm

I'm always a little suspicious of multi-function devices, and I've begin to wonder if any compromises are made in the design and manufacture of multi-format DVD-burners. I know nothing about the physical differences between plus and dash burners but would be interested to find out. I had been waiting for the 411S, but perhaps the 401S is a more reliable drive. Like dolphinius_rex, I guess I'm still a little confused on this.
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Postby BurninMan921 on Sat Oct 04, 2003 3:00 pm

Can newegg.com ship to Canada? If they can, they have the Lite-On DVD burner for $109US...
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Postby aviationwiz on Sat Oct 04, 2003 3:44 pm

newegg does not ship to Canada, this has been addressed thousands of times before.
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Postby dolphinius_rex on Sat Oct 04, 2003 11:06 pm

Ok, I broke down and bought the LiteON LDW-401S for $149.98 Candian.

I haven't installed it yet, but I've already decide that I am very unhappy with DVD+R prices (averaging $4.00 per disc!). So I'm working on finding a good outlet for buying bulk. I'm expecting to place an order with www.blankmedia.ca for 50pcs of the 4x Arita brand Ritek 4x DVD+Rs in the future (when they get more stock!).

I'm really excited about finally being able to use the PI/PO scanning funtions of K-Probe :D
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Postby aviationwiz on Sun Oct 05, 2003 12:20 am

I think your DVD burning tastes would have been better satisified with the PX-708A! :wink:

Your wallet however, would not be satisifed at all.
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Postby dolphinius_rex on Sun Oct 05, 2003 3:37 am

I've been warned by too many people about the PX-708A to even consider purchasing it, sorry!

Besides, my needs are best met by a drive I can do DVD testing on, and the PX-708A does not support this. Burn speed is inconsequential to me :wink:
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Postby VEFF on Mon Oct 06, 2003 11:04 pm

dolphinius_rex wrote:I've been warned by too many people about the PX-708A to even consider purchasing it, sorry!

Besides, my needs are best met by a drive I can do DVD testing on, and the PX-708A does not support this. Burn speed is inconsequential to me :wink:

Warned about getting a 708A? Why?
As far as I can tell, most people are very happy with them.
New fw 1.02 has gotten good feedback so far, regarding the issues people were having with slowdowns.

I have burned quite a few discs at 8X with my first one, with not more than one coaster, if that.
It is also so quiet that I wouldn't know it was burning, if it weren't for the flashing light or the brief sound when it speeds up from 6X to 8X. The tray motion is exceptionally smooth.

If you don't need 8X burning, then there are definitely cheaper alternatives that will burn very nicely at 4X.
I had several 4X DVD burners (Pioneer, NEC and Sony) before upgrading to the 8X Plextors, and I liked them all very much. I also started out with a Panasonic 1X DVD-R/DVD-RAM combo burner back in March 2002, that worked great!
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Postby dolphinius_rex on Tue Oct 07, 2003 4:01 am

I won't say who said it, but here is what was said to me:

Code: Select all
I've still not found the roots of the problems, but one thing is for sure:
Write quality of the plextor is much worse compared to my memorex dual-x
(yes of course when writing the same content at same speed to the same
discs). Actually the write quality is a bit better than with the LG
GSA-4040B that I also have.....but still far from as good as from the
memorex dual-x (pioneer DVR-106)

Later he went on to say:

Code: Select all
The write quality is great at 2.4X with the plex, 4X and 8X is less good.
2.4X write quality is about the same as with the Memorex writing at 4X...go
figure yourself.

I've heard one or two other less positive comments on the Plextor 708a as well, but these are the ones that stand out the most.

Please keep in mind, I'm not really comparing the LiteON 401s to the Plextor for write quality (at least not at this piont, since I have no basis for it at all), but if I wanted a burner for writing media, it would deffinatly be the Pioneer A06.
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Postby VEFF on Tue Oct 07, 2003 9:32 am

Thanks for the info.

I have NOT tested the write quality using any special tools.
I am sure his findings are correct, especially since I trust him (I won't give his name away, since I have figured out who it is).

All I can say, however, is that my Sony NS-715P has not skipped ONCE while playing any of my 8X burned DVD video discs, using Verbatim (Ricoh AND MCC), TDK and Memorex DVD+R media.
Maybe there are indeed more "errors" than the Memorex; however, as long as the data discs are readable and video discs are playable it is more than good enough for me personally at least.

Interesting too that a Pioneer beat BOTH a LG and Plextor, which had usually been known for top notch quality.
Good news for 106 owners :)
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Postby dolphinius_rex on Tue Oct 07, 2003 9:55 am

Well, I was planning on buying a Pioneer A06 before these comments were made to me, and it pretty much solidified the idea for me :D

Now I just have to wait until boxing day :wink:

The LiteON aught to hold me until then! :D
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Postby seaegg on Tue Oct 07, 2003 10:12 am

Dolphinius, where did you get the Liteon from? I'm also interested in getting one but I haven't come across in Winnipeg yet.
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Postby Ian on Tue Oct 07, 2003 10:18 am

A few screenshots for you to think about..

TDK 4x DVD+R @ 8x


TDK 4x DVD+R @ 4x


The X/Y is different for both graphs, but you get the idea.
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Postby VEFF on Tue Oct 07, 2003 1:26 pm

Nice Ian!
That clearly illustrates how 8X is not as good as 4X on 4X media.
I am sure the advent of 8X media will reduce the errors dramatically.

I'll test some of my discs, assuming the LiteOn 163 can do the KProbe tests?
I have never tried KProbe before...
Burners only:
Pioneer DVR-115D
Pioneer DVR-111D
Plextor PX-716A TLA0304
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Postby dolphinius_rex on Tue Oct 07, 2003 2:50 pm

hehe, well, right now the burns I'm getting on my LiteON 401s don't even get NEAR the same ballpark that those scans are in!

The LiteON 401s seems to have a serious problem with burning Ricoh made DVD+Rs.... which seem to be the only DVD+Rs I can buy! :evil:
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