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Influence of other components on CD burning.

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Influence of other components on CD burning.

Postby Malign on Mon Oct 06, 2003 2:01 am

Can a cd writer alone can determine the efficiency w.r.t speed ,safe and accuracy of cd burning. How does the of mother boards, processor ,RAM ,HDD and cd burning software influence the burn?
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Postby aviationwiz on Mon Oct 06, 2003 2:15 am

Yup, most CD Burners do select the best write speed for the media that you are using. The best example of this is with Powe-Rec on the Plextor Premium, when the burn is done, it tells you the actual final write speed if it had to clock down the burn. It gives great burns.

Other parts won't influence CD burning to much, except the HDD, if it is really fragmented, you are more likely to get errors and will probably write a non-noticeable, lower quality disk.
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Postby CDRecorder on Mon Oct 06, 2003 10:53 am

Other components can affect CD burning, too. If you don't have much RAM or if your CPU is really slow (like my old Celeron 366), you may not be able to burn very fast. Also, the motherboard can be important because some chipsets are more compatible with peripherals (like CD burners) than others are. The chipset rarely causes any problems with CD burners, though.
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Postby Action Jackson on Tue Oct 07, 2003 1:44 am

Once I decided to burn a CD and do a video capture at the same time.

You should've seen the buffer underruns and the nice coaster it made with the LiteON 52/24/52!

Not to mention a very sluggish system.

Surprisingly the capture had only a few dropped frames.
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